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One Luna Five Alpha's

Chapter 4 4. It's always but never h o e I love you

Word Count: 3838    |    Released on: 08/02/2024

or, my blood begged to be on a regular workout, and sports always did the trick, almost going to the last game a group of warriors entered the game room, Andy, and the rest of my pups mov

y second eldest, "he did what!" I shouted when I heard my mate walking as he spoke, directing himself to me, "That's right, I informed my pack to be themselves but to be respectful, and if they act out of place, you will handle them as the true Luna you are," for some reason he made me feel like I was in a wrestling match, granted I always played like a boy but this would be interesting, "tell ya what warrior you beat me, and I won't give you a wedge on the first day of my Luna duty, deal?" He smiled like a kid at Christmas, "Alpha? Can I?" My mate saw me with curious eyes, "Well, my mate isn't shy in the training

ack, "Give up, Julio?" Asking him, my pups were cheering like crazy while I saw my mate look at me like I was the c eyes of his world, lost in his loving stare, we heard Julio, "Tap!" There I let him go while I did a back flip, getting as far as possible just in case it was a fake tap, but he didn't move from his position; my boys went to Julio to make fun of him when Edwuard came to me never leaving his stare towards me, "so what do you-" he didn't let me finish as he kissed me right there, I melted in his sweet kiss, fuck was I ready for him, my insides whe

re by eight okay? It's a romantic dinner, with dancing, and just because I'm aware of the way you all are, I'm trying desperately to mark your mom; I want her to be mine so that I can be hers, forever," my pups didn't miss the underline, and I knew they understood what that meant. Still, I'm hoping they won't try to sabotage my choice, Milo was the very first to jump in, "alright then colors, style, and how far on the base?" I looked at my mate. My pups to them say, "well if it's out marking I'd say kill two stones with one shot?" I looked at my mate, who growled lowly; it wasn't a menacing growl because my ovaries were jumping from excitement to have his puppies fuck. What was happening to me was going to kill me internally. "Well that's that, let's go little lady," I chuckled with the way my son was behaving, always good with his words, such a playful pup of mine, virgin dog of mine, entering the pack house I realized that what I had said was truthful

wed to say to which I smacked his neck for it; he hissed then acted all in pain, little shithead; once inside the lino, she explained everything that happened, and I seriously felt her big time, she lost her virginity to Julio, and during that time of a complicated, toxic relationship she met the Beta, she wasn't from around here, she was a gammas daughter here on business when they met she feared he would reject her for what she did. Still, in turn, he turned around and gave a beating the guy so hard he beat the living daylights out of Julio; good. We talked for a while, and I started to like her. I had few female friends for my life choices, but Morgana was super friendly, made me feel extremely comfortable, and was happy to have someone with a backbone by my side. We arrived at a vast mall that could fit the entire freaking pack if it wanted to. In the mall, I had the pleasure of learning where each thing was pretty quickly; Morgana told me it was okay to use the card for more than just tonight

uard has always wanted a big family, granted small minded jokes can be made right now, but talking seriously, he got the biggest family he could have ever prayed for, and if he gets a daughter it's a double blessing cause then he will want more pups, he is in love with you, and I can guarantee you that he will make sure you know my words aren't from a bimbo's point of view," she finished her meal then stood to leave, putting her tray away, I let out a breath, my pups knew I went in that store but not for that reason, they all looked at me like I had over done it, and in a way I might have but I was constantly fighting myself over the freaking answers to the same question, Xander took my hand, and so did Andy, but it was Milo who spoke first, "mom it's okay to feel like this but don't freak like that to someone who you clearly get along with, she is supper awesome with you, and to be fair knows the struggle of what you lived through for years," that made his brother, Kendrick add, "yea mom, loosen up, your starting to stink up the place," I huffed a laugh, "alright time to get you to your nanny, and me to

lingerie, a red strapped set that would make him become like a freaking cartoon wolf, I took a nice shower, then motioned my skin to get all good and ready, placing my underwear first, I let my hair dry to then use the blow drier, now my wavy curls where in total volume, I put on my gold high heels, my makeup which consistent of a cat eye, red lips, mascara, full on makeup with gold blush to math my eyeshadow palette, I painted my nails hot red, matching my style I heard a knock on the door, "in a minute" I replied to which I heard, "please let me know when I can come in to meet my mate," Edwuard spoke fondly of me, I got up placed everything in the closet, luckily I had taken everything out I just needed to organize everything, taking my tight fit tub style cocktail nude color dress I realized the straps were visible, "shit" I acted quickly in removing the straps, the dress now looked perfect. Feeling perfect, I replied after puttin

looked like a frightened child; as he placed his hand on my cheek, I leaned in his hand, breathing slowly to relax, "What if we don't have boy pup? Or what if we get into a huge fight for something trivial? Or-" he growled at me, then pressed my forehead to mine, "Yolanda, I gave full permission to Morgana when she told me she would accompany you, what she told you is true, I want a big family, not just your pups but ours, and a girl wouldn't kill my dreams, a princess from my Queen would only boost my fucking love for you," I stayed still with the way he was talking to me, "let's go to our dinner there we will be more open about everything, alright?" I nodded; I was nowhere near available to talk to him after what he said; I lost track of thought when he said I was his Queen; was I really that important to him? Walking to the front doors, I saw a beautiful black Alpine A110; it looked classy but was also full of power. He opened the door for me, and I got in; he spoke, "Did you choose this just to make a p

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