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The Game: Love To The Extreme

Chapter 3 Love With Prices

Word Count: 2616    |    Released on: 11/02/2024

e Ga

To The




Peter said, re


ch other as though they were sworn enemies. Finally, Brimsley let

people to speak,”

around he stares at the teachers an



ordered her meal and after getting it, she glanced around. She notice

student?” A guy asked, no

friends n

r around,” one of his f

at Calista as though she just stepped out

dded in agreement. The guy stood up b

ooked at the one by his left side before l

” one of th

know what am feeling, It's love at first

f his friends carried their

tiful,” h

ghtly and he felt h

you?” he asked


o of his friends

erson to another, esp

he offered a handsh

in a tiny voice, still maint

r skin was soft and tender. As though she

of his friends in

the third

d her palm again, placing a soft kiss at the back of her h

o fast, I just can't get enough of

s ok

udent,” Gavin said more lik

ansferred here,” she took her strawberry juice

all the good places around,” Ju

t,” she replied taking a bite from her sandw

,” Garre

oked a

ut if my sist

ake her,” Justin sai

have one,” Mi


like guys,” Michelle replie

nged glanc

rett asked and sh

s and my dad said I can’t go out with a guy unti

her, he could feel many gazes on him as he



TA & G

basketball cour

she walked around the large

inish. There are two baskets at either end of the floor, each with a hoop of about 18 inches in diameter and 10

Gianna touched her shoul

es but you didn't respo

plied, she made her way towards th


llowing me?” she


y n

ou," Gianna p

he asked and Gian

ked innocently, and Ca

iking girls,”

tant so she beg

ly shouted from behin

oo, does that make us les? Wait a minute... you like boys

such thing






e stopped walking and turned to Gianna who frowned with confus

s you just mentioned, I'm not even

an, anyway, If I'm not a




ng over she made to sit on his lap, but he stopp

” he said wit


Have misse

ot now!” He cut h

only to come across Peter by the door, he sm

so pissed?”

Peter f

f course,”

she got to him,” he said,

ew g

but she won’t say a word, and Brimsley wants to expel Ethan,

vidence he needs,” Ashle

n’t say a thing abou

y smi

t of her,” she be




fice, trying to figure out what to say once

male teacher passing by asked

,” he flashed a fake smile

like 8 teachers in there with her. Wasn't she

n, he needs to get to her an

erred student,” Ms. Bronte said


over for dinner and that’s it, be a gentlem

asked, staring up at him

.. Mr

she co

e staring at them while s

Ms. Emm.

, and he nodded embarras

trying to maintain eye contact but couldn’t. It's easy while talk

roblem?” Ms.

at a great speed. Mike continued running

I can’t do it, I tried but I ju




not dating,” Justin mumbled, both legs

razy,” Ga

? What kind of rule is that

h Michelle,” A female voice spoke this time and they looked back to see Karan, sh

ignited just by her voice

ed to share a woman. Earlier when Karan joined Nevada high school, Gavin was the first to see her and told Garret about


her is for her sister to be out of the picture, how? Keeping her sister busy,” she closed the book she

, how is he going t

t Calista and seriously the

ke up the job of keeping he

flashed, and he loo

on,” he jumped out of his cha


tan said as he put his spor

l-girls dream. You have the charm

ested, look for another person,

tly in the boy'

keep her busy, and don’t read meaning into it. It's jus

an sc

for it? I won’t be nice to tell you not to bother me again, but if you do, you will



ere Calista and Gian

oked behind Calista only to see Ethan and his crew walking towards the

ful of garnished rice, pressing tightly until he smashe

after all,” he lowered himself,

silent and s

bout me, you’re dead

ng in when he saw the scene s

lista leaned closer, whispering into hi

ws back wit

ou that there is a master for every game,” he tu

ed behind Brimsley and he glared at him. Without saying a

is the chief judge, his mother is a lawyer and his uncle is a cop, he’s highly

odded simply then

Calista said, hitting

devil,” Gianna said out

nly to see Ashley and two o

ng at the girl coming her way

she’s dating herself. the one on her left is Molly, she’s obsessed with Tristain. The one on her right side is Betty, T

Was he made in China? 50 women!

y about him, he can seduce anyone and there was a time rumor has it that he seduced his step-

ordered instantly

oked back only to discover that Cal

llow me, new bea!” she as

he table, both Gianna's and Calista’s tr

the food before

t’s go

ave no

anna didn’t tell

the authorities if s

hat Ashley wi

ew b


Calista could hear all of t

alone?" Gianna spoke up

Ashley pushed her

nna, right?" she nodde

out a warning, Ashley emptied everything on Calista's h

clasped her hand over her


p and foll


ey hot

ermine the outside

ment!! an

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