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The Game: Love To The Extreme

Chapter 5 Råpe Humiliation

Word Count: 2707    |    Released on: 11/02/2024

e Ga

To The





pers, instantly, her body heated with needs. She felt her n**ples

e ran into her room

er, then to her makeup stand, and then her bed stan

n’t see anything, so she went to her closet, scattering he

it was, her pill bottle standing n

r**st and squeeze them, her wetness calling onto h

ep herself in her bathroom, lettin

strained herself knowing that once she did that, she would definitely

isfaction no matter who f**ks her. She'd tried getting a boyfriend, but he could

an calm her down. But then, she was never like that in the past, someone turned her in

she sighed and steppe

le while,” she mumbled to herself,

t the park staring up

d she looked up to see a stran


e and I will amend it,” he said, reaching for her

ouch me

d her hand forcefully, but she wiggled free fr

d as rage built

ing his hand to slap her and

s only to see Gavin holding tightly onto the guy's wrist

sn’t want us to,” Gavin said and tigh

oulder and he let go of the

Garret asked

talking me?” sh

k his head

been better,” Gavin said

fun, mind joining us?” Garret asked but she

g now,” she replied, saying the l

as she left, and Garret

just sent

s jus

you always spoil things,”


e want Is to share one woman and she’s the perfect option but if you keep scaring her away t




he just couldn’t believe that there was someone out there who could actual

he was trained by her father who’s a co

efore walking outside. Mr. Felix was working o

we have he

d up two wooden training sticks, th

e,” he said as he p

t can’t be true,”

lock all my attacks,” she char

lmly, blocking her

stick, but her father parried each

anger, I keep telling y

ed with frustration as she s

me!’ she cried, swing

ud you,” he replied deflecting another strike “Channel y

erfectly still. Her father cocked his head to th

. Then she attacked, her stick moving at lig

k her strike and he took

ermination, will, not anger, let your rage be on your fist cos with that, each st


shouted picking up

a said as they began wal

g Dad to a fight,” Mike called out t

ed, makin

hing, I'm too pretty for that,” she rolled her




is Whitney?” Tiffany, his ste

was already dres

hand, was she going through his phone? W

king?” She asked but he ignored her

you even get thi

he yelled, stomping her

was about to walk past

e at your own risk,

aid you would forsake every other person for my sake, you

! And I also said that I'm singular,

out to go down the stairs when she grabbed

, I love

everyone loves my d**k,” he replied and look

mother as he walk

” Lucian said surprised as Tristan j

curiously, and Tristan loo

lans,” he



ease st

’t wan

l do whateve

ase don’t

e... a

okay, I won’t

ream could be heard co

oor. Meanwhile, another girl with glasses was coming that way when

n she barged in, both hands placed on her

you no manner?” Peter asked

s screams from the restroom,” she s

umped up i

what?” Pet

is being råped ag

ers and students as he ran, he jumped five steps while going

e door closed but with a single kic

him, nothing, absolutely nothing could ha

sped her hand over her mouth at the s

up, what's the need of being a disciplinary presid

e has bruises all over her neck, br**st, and face. It's as though she was strug


this?” Pe

aking her away. Her face was also covered as they didn’

ed again, now staring at

them, I only heard voices,”

bring me the new girl,


when Brimsley suddenly attacked Ethan, grabbing his shi

nts aroun

er?” Brimsley’s voice

d at him li


me, what the f**k did you do t

dents are

rt before staring Brims

nute, I will consider this as assa

friend? Why are you hurting innocent girls and putting t


d and Brimsley raised his fist to his face, but P

ee himself so he could disfigure Eth

ht, Pulling

a quick phone call before turning to Peter and Br


eryone in the school is talking about it. It's

t to her?” Gianna mumbled an

tly returning f

t weren’t for you, I would hav

but for some reason, she wanted to know why

attempted råpe?” she asked, and

chief judge, his mom a lawyer, and his un


didn’t end well for them,” she replied, and Calista looked at

days later, the girl 'Miranda' died of a mysterious heart failure, the evidence went missing

a was

A guy walked up to the

disciplinary room,” the guy rep

g, wait... he’s smiling at you, the Casan

of her, he didn’t even look at Gianna

a word then made to walk past by

mme a chance to make it up to you, maybe we can get to know each other. Let's have lunch t

that ladies find

ade to walk past again

quite popular, and being around me means you’ll become the most p

ta turned her phone screen

g for him online

ou're a wannabe! Get out of my face, Mr Popular!” she shoved hi

nal Damage, Ego wounded,” L

with a big mouth,” Tristan

Tiffany who was watc

fter what's mean," Ashley sa

hip, never seen him d

iffany left her side. Sh

here she belongs," Ashley suggested and th

your bushsh!t,"

spat as she contin

tty join her

he asked and th

he smi

kicked out of this school,"


dey h


mment!! A

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