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Author: aforbless


Word Count: 1432    |    Released on: 12/02/2024

d as she wiped her face continuousl

nized chairs and tables. This simply means a lot of people

nd exhaled loudly, then a smile spread on her face

could say it was the best thing ever. She was a great cook, and she decided

evements, two little figures entered the restaura

io questioned, his voice startling Adria

e slapped her forehead and stared a

n their face and that was when her

ou off? You know it's never gonna

as to why you're taking us to Aunt Alessia's plac

to her feet and walked around the counter before finally facing he

a has been all over my neck, asking you guys to spend so

aurant? I'm not leaving you, Mommy, I

should enjoy yourselves," Adriana smiled. Emiliano nodded gent

" she call

oing to Aunt Alessia's place and that's final

ked at Emiliano who sm

ave to worry, Mommy," he spoke out. Ad

on," she said. Emiliano kissed her cheek

of two boys wasn't a day's job. Stressful? Tiring? Exhausting?

m seven years ago and to her, it was the greatest thing ever. T

eft for her was to just clean up the messy place and th


lf into bed, the door creaked open and her little b

he lay. Emelio climbed the bed and lay by her right side, Emilia

e giving Mommy a cold shoulder?" She stif

edge her, he was a stubborn kid, she could admit. He only ate a

ssia's," Emelio whispered, sn

s blonde hair. Just like his F

Is there any reason why you don't wanna

e immediately got curious. Was Alessia

spered, leaving her stunned

he faced Emiliano whose

" She asked him. She felt

enough as it is

diately held them to herself, r

But, you need to go, Alessia misses you a lot

multaneously, their icy blue eyes staring into he

" They asked in unison. She nodd

nt you to be happy alw

ur greatest priority

yes?" Adrian

and she laughed. That night



with darkness hovering around the entire place,

that didn't seem to bother him as he sat there,

pen and two of his gang members entered

, Bullet and the other member whose name is Poison both wa

th no other words, leaving Don

astic before him and got to his feet. He walked

They were to make a bargain with another Lord but due to his connections, he found out the

long. He had tricked the other Lord and success

ked to the window and stared at

plished," he s



o her boys as they prepared the

ng a little time with them, she decided that

ny help, call us and we're going to run back, a

hem in adoration. She would say he

. Emelio and Emiliano rushed

y," they chorused. Adriana

miss you more,

e need to leave now," Alessia sa

th entered the car and

ia hugged her. Soon, she entered the car and drove off with the

in't a joke. She heaved a sigh before entering the restaura

across the restaurant, an icy blue eyes lingering

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