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Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 588    |    Released on: 14/02/2024

e been speaking, I went as usual into the garden, and after patrolling all the walks without success (the rooks knew me, and merely cawed spasmodically at a distance), I chanced to go cl

which I don't know, though they are well known to children; the flowers from little bags, and burst open with a pop when you strike them against anything hard. The young men presented their foreheads so eagerly, and in the gestures of the girl (I saw her in profile), there was something so fascinating, imperious, caressing, mocking, and charming, that I almost cried out with admiration and delight, a

ce suddenly near me: 'is it quite permi

big grey eyes in a bright mobile face, and the whole face suddenly quivered and laughed, there was a flash of white teeth, a droll lifting of the eyebrows.... I crimsoned, picked up my gun from the ground, and pursued by

to tea. The image of the young girl floated before me, my heart

ther asked me all at once:

bed, I rotated – I don't know why – three times on one leg, pomaded my hair, got into bed, and slept like a top al

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