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Forever love

In the cold breeze of the Falcon household, preparations were underway for the December festivities. It was Christmas Eve, and Philip's mother was expecting guests. As he engaged in a video call with Winter in his room, he hesitated to join the family gathering, knowing his mother wanted him to court Erica, a childhood friend. Despite his reluctance, Philip was committed to Winter, neglecting other relationships. Winter, unaware of Philip's impending proposal, discussed Christmas preparations with him. Philip, trying to hide his thoughts, mentioned concerns about the timing of his arrival. As Winter questioned him about his mother's expectations, Philip assured her he could leave. In reality, he planned to escape to Winter's house to be with her, without revealing the impending visit from the Patria family. Amid their conversation, Philip's mother interrupted, revealing her disapproval of his secluded video call. She insisted he entertain Erica until the arrival of Aunt Yolanda. Tensions rose as Philip resisted, stating Erica wasn't his fiancée. His mother threatened to strip him of his possessions if he disobeyed. Philip, standing his ground, asserted his independence. Frustrated, his mother criticized his choices, emphasizing the family's expectations. The argument escalated, and Philip decided to prioritize his relationship with Winter over his mother's wishes. Exiting his room, Philip encountered Erica near his car. Their interaction was tense, with Philip making it clear he preferred Winter. As he left to explain the situation to Winter, the choice between familial expectations and personal happiness hung in the air.

Chapter 1 1

Winter Pov.

Do you believe in the saying that when you love you fight for it? When you love someone, you can bear everything even if you are hurt. No matter how much the people around him try to dislike you, you can't give up on him.

Because you love him.

Everything that I didn't think before about love, I'm experiencing now. I thought about love, it was almost love. That when you love, you're happy and almost without problems, because that's usually what I see in mom and dad.

I can feel ashong's love for me, the only difference is. There are people who just stand in our way and sometimes there are trials that come.

Just like the scene I heard earlier while we were talking on the video call. I know he's hiding a problem from me, because he's usually quiet. There are always deep thoughts and sometimes just suddenly become stunned.

That's not how I know ashong, I'm sure he has a problem but he doesn't want to share it with me. I know he was just worried that I might think more, but because of what I heard earlier. It seems like all the questions running through my mind have almost stopped, all of them have been answered but instead of this is the strange pain in my heart.

”Oh, how are you grandson? Are you tired? I will continue to cook for you." I shook my head at grandma, I couldn't smile because I heard everything that happened on the other line. Even Erica's voice, and especially the role it will play in Ashong's life.

I'm confused, there are many questions that come to my mind like raindrops that just keep pouring. My head suddenly hurt so I stood up, I smiled at grandma as if she could read my mind right away.

"My grandson has a problem, he just doesn't want to tell." I shook my head again, smiling at the chance to convince him there was nothing.

"I'm just thinking about mom and dad." that's my only excuse. "I would like to be with them this Christmas, just in case. Sales are still slow at the farm."

"We will go home before the new year, I don't want my grandson to be sad."

"Are you sure? Maybe you're just being forced because of me."

Grandma smiled. "I'm sure grandpa, you know we will leave this house too. When you're done, I'm ready to sell it.”

"Are you really going to sell it?"

”Yes, we have many memories of your grandfather in the photo album. Besides, I'm old. I know that my days here on earth are numbered."

"Grandma!" my eyes rolled. "Why are you saying that! You will live a long time, remember. You can see the house I'm going to build, I'll also buy you a sewing machine so you don't have to sew by hand anymore."

"I know that, I'm just saying what might happen."

"Tsk, let's not talk about that anymore. It's Christmas." Grandma nodded, she was smiling at me even though I was frowning.

Why did he suddenly say that, I was just thinking that grandma would leave me. My chest hurts.

I can't seem to.

While I was translating the lunch I cooked, suddenly a car honked outside the house. I didn't bother to stop what I was doing while grandma was asking if I had visitors.

Actually, I don't have any visitors. Our video call with Ashong also died earlier while he was talking to Erica.

My chest started to ache again so I just stared at the big bowl, I was staring at the smoke coming from the braised pork when grandma turned around to see who it was.

I can't stop moaning even though I shouldn't, I just can't stop feeling bad. Because Erica is that girl, she's the one who makes me feel bad. By the way, is that his fiancee?

How did they meet?

Have they known each other for a long time?

But ashong said, that was a new student and he was still in the other section as a business student.

"As for the length of this boy's legs, we are about to have lunch." I blinked when I heard grandma's voice coming into the kitchen. What he meant was that ashong was correct because we were about to be fed.

Didn't he and Erica talk?

He turned off the video call earlier.

"That's right, I haven't eaten yet." I looked away after he approached me. I took the bowl but he grabbed it and took it to the dining area outside.

I still had no emotions after he brought me back to the kitchen, I took a plate, a spoon before turning away from him. I don't know if I'm doing it right, I know I should listen to what he has to say before I get angry. He must have a reason why he didn't immediately tell me what was happening and how he and Erica were doing.

"Didn't you tell winter you were coming?" I didn't look at Ashong even though I knew he was looking at me after I sat next to grandma.

I noticed his shaking while I was taking rice.

"I just want to surprise him." The corner of my lips rose because I wanted to sneer at him, I knew. He's going to go later that night, and because I overheard the conversation between his mom and Erica. He's here.

”You are really young people, but this is my grandson. He doesn't care about any surprises, even if there aren't any. He will appreciate you.”

"I know, that's why I love your grandson."

"Did you eat already." he is now looking at me because of my insertion. As much as I wanted to stop this sulking, my speech to him was becoming violent on purpose.

Maybe this is just the effect of jealousy, pain and self-insecurity. It's just sad because that girl is the one his mommy likes, I wouldn't be surprised. Erica is really beautiful, she looks rich. It is clean and tidy, ashong also told me that he is smart.

"Let's eat." I just averted my eyes even though his smile was insulting. Can't he see how to irritate me? I guess I can't stop myself and be sensible right now.

I'm really hurt.

Ashong was NOT quiet while we were eating, when grandma asked something, he answered it with almost a few words. Sometimes this answer goes too far and obviously only eases the situation for both of us. He will definitely talk to me after we eat.

"Do you have anything to cook later?" I simply nodded as I carried the plates to the sink. Grandma was left at the table because she was still eating the salad I made earlier.

”Do you need help?”

"Will you help?" I put down the washcloth and put it on the faucet because I intend to clean them. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him nod several times at what I said.

"Of course, I won't do anything either. I will wash that.” I distanced myself to give him way. It was fast at four o'clock when he took the washing equipment and he was supposed to do my work.

The only case is, if what you are trying to do is not really your work. You'll falter at first, just like him. He let go of the glass because his hand slipped, he was even more embarrassed to see it shatter on the floor.

"Sorry, I'll just replace it with a new one."

I looked away, it's natural to replace something with a new one when it's broken. Because something that is broken cannot be restored. It's like the distance I suddenly thought because of what he said. Is it because of what happened earlier?

The glasses he is going to change, why do I have something else in mind.

"Oh, why did your guest wash the dishes?" grandma is already there because she heard the broken glass, I'm annoyed with ashong. That's how I feel about him because he didn't tell about his fiancee.

"He made a presentation, didn't he."

"Really, next time don't do that. Sandal sandal!” he stopped Ashong because he was still planning to pick up the strewn bubbles. I sighed, I walked out of there to get a broom and dustpan. When I came back, Ashong was looking at me, not knowing whether to take the broom from me so that he could do it himself.

In the end, he just watched me while grandma continued her washing.

"Go ahead and eat the sweets on the table first, I'll be here."

Ashong nodded, because I was not in the condition. I let grandma wash it first, which I do most of the time.

Ashon followed me when I left, I didn't go straight to the table because I left the house. I went to the side of the tree and leaned there, ashong was silent while looking at me.

"Speak now." I said without looking at him, my eyes were straight on the road and even hot. I can still feel the coldness of my voice at my words.

"I'm sorry if I didn't tell you about my problem." I didn't say anything even though I had a lot to say, I kept quiet. I tried to convince myself to calm down and listen first. ”I know im a selfish, I didn't tell you and I just told myself. But it's not that I don't treasure you, I just don't want to hurt you so I kept it a secret."

"Who is Erica really?"

I faced him, he backed away a bit because I knew my eyes were sharp. He swallowed before biting his lip.

”Erica is my childhood friend, her mother is my mom's best friend before. But they left when Erica was studying abroad, but I didn't notice her before. I don't know him."

"But he introduced himself to you, it's impossible that you didn't remember his name."

”It is that impossible? It's true that I forgot about him, because I didn't care at that time. I'm focused with you."

I looked away, I still don't feel better and it's more like I'm getting heavier. By the way, have they known each other for a long time? So when he saw ashong, he seemed surprised.

”Hey, I don't like him. Do not be mad." he grabbed my hand, I didn't take it back even though I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Is she really your fiancee?"

"Were not engaged, you are my fiancee." he raised my hand that he was holding and pointed to the ring he had given me three months ago.

He said, as long as I wear it. That's a sign that I love him. That I belong only to him and no one can own me. But the moment I took it off, it just meant that I was throwing away everything we had together when I took off the ring.

”My fiancee can't be anyone else, winter. It's just you. Mommy likes him, but me? I don't want it, even if they beat me. I will still fall for you."

"Your mommy has made a decision, ashong. What if he rejects you because you hate him?"

"He's going to reject me, isn't that right? Yes, I am his daughter, but he is too much the one to buy who will be my wife! That's not possible!”

”So, is that your problem that makes you so often stupid?” he snorted, but also just nodded before sighing.

"I don't want to hurt you, I know you are jealous of Patria. Especially because I often spend time with him because of guanzon, but only until then. You are my only love."

I looked away because of what he said about jealousy. does he know How did he know that I was jealous of Erica?

"S-who said I'm n-jealous of that b-girl?"

His two eyebrows rose. "I." My lips twitched at this answer, I wanted to defend myself because my system didn't want to accept that I was really jealous of Erica.

It's annoying.

"I'm not numb, winter. I know how my girlfriend feels, that's why any girl approaches me. I don't pay attention, because my attention is only focused on you. Only you are beautiful, so I will only look at you."


"Sorry, don't hit me anymore. You make me hard, I remember more and more how I fell for you."

"I kicked you so you fell for me, assong."

"God, you're making fun of me. You make fun of me and often interrupt me with my words, the kick is just a bonus."

I shook my head, straightened up and leaned against the tree again. "So, you ran away from your mommy again?"

"As usual."

"Are you always going to run away? Maybe they will reject you, where will you live?"

"It's yours, winter. I won't be swallowed, I can work. Besides, I have many rich friends. Even with Jacob alone I can survive."

"I still don't want that to happen, son, I don't want to be the reason why you will be away from your parents. I also want everything to be fine while we are happy, I won't be happy if I think about it. That's what's happening to you." he sighed, he came to me and suddenly he pulled my hand to hug me.

I buried my face in his chest, he was stroking my hair while one of his hands was on my back.

"You're not going to break up with me, are you?"

I was stunned by his question, I know that I really love ashong and what he is saying about being separated did not cross my mind. If there is a problem, I only think about the solution and not the end of the relationship.

”If you're thinking of breaking up with me, I won't agree. I'm fine if they're angry, that's their choice. Why won't they let me be happy?”

”I will not break up with you, ashon.” I responded to his hug after I said that, he only tightened his hug when I did that.

"It's good, I won't agree either. I will tie you up if you try to leave, if you can escape. Wherever you go, I will follow you. That's why I don't miss you either."

"Not anymore, right?"

"Yes, don't try." He smelled my hair as he hugged me tighter and tighter. If only a motorcycle hadn't passed by, maybe he wouldn't have separated from me. "Tsk, why did you push me?"

"It's your quota."

"What quota? Is there a limit to hugging now because you're angry?”

I hesitated. "I'm not angry anymore."

"If not, why are your eyes still rolling?"

"You have a lot of questions, let's go in."

"Wait, just wait." He grabbed my hand when I tried to pass him, I was stunned and faced him again.

"What is it again?"

”Does it seem like you are gaining weight?” I blinked as he looked down at my body, his eyes dropped to my thigh before going up to my chest again. He looked away before scratching the back of his neck.

While I'm blushing because I think I've gained weight, it's not fat. It's just that my bras don't fit me anymore, it's like I changed the size too. My bras don't really fit anymore so I bought a new one.

"W-what's the problem?"

"Why are you using a push bra?"

My eyes rolled. "W-what did you say!" I hit his arm.

"Shhh! He said don't hit me, my arm. It might be removed.”

"I-it's you!"

"What? I'm just asking you, why are you wearing that? are you trying to be seductive, dvmn. Maybe I'll just look at that when I'm with you!" I hit one of his arms again because of what he said.

Because I have no choice but to buy a new one, and the small sizes don't fit me. So I tried something new, I didn't expect the result to be like this.

”I'm going to order you another brallete, don't be like that!”

"Why is this also?"

”I don't like that, I want them to be normal. M-too much.. w-what...”

"I'll hit you, ashon."

"What? I just want to say that your dvmn bo*bs is too much attraction. I-its full of distraction, i can't explain.” He turned back after saying that, he was still washed when I saw him go inside.

I didn't look down at myself, then I realized that I'm wearing a v-neck shirt. That's right.

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Forever love