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Hello, CEO. Don't Play with Me

Chapter 4 [4]

Word Count: 1379    |    Released on: 24/02/2024

le is reall

the Goddess

le! I have to

of the people who welcomed her in the lobby of the SEO office take out their respective cellphone

often ask for a separate escort from SEO staff is that crazy fans are clea

d there was an argument with the security guard. At that time Giselle had just

en separated from the four SEO s

rowd of fans in the lobby area. They were waiting for the el

h a big smile. "Thank goodness. That incid

ot let our gua

ve towards the room where Giselle

rts presented by several divisions in his office, stop in his tracks. Justin's

he had stopped just now. "Brina told me you

ed face. "That man is so annoying

ails in the contract so you can refer to

do anything as long as you ask. But Yunes

t chocolate. By the end of November, winter had greeted them all. Preparing for the turn of the year was also an event tha

s the biggest part com

s already blackened lips. He let Giselle finish the last part before he enjoyed the cigarette in this r

stantly having to strike the poses he wanted while once the results came out, I wasn't sure if they were worth publishing. I was embarr

d next?" Justin a

"Aren't you the on

el very happy. Aside from the fact that her pretty face looked distracted, Giselle was sure to be grumpy all day. And the on

bit busy. But if he doesn't make fun of Giselle, there seems to be s

e too

s was a tray that read chocolate cups as well as chocolate-based snacks. But obviously, not ju

ff member resigned as soon as

t, Giselle. I deliberately o


ish it?" Justin took anot

front of her. She slowly savored the hot chocolate that had

ffice. "Enjoy it while you can. Brina

rritated by the work she had been going through for a while, at least this glass of hot chocolate could

which one to reply to first. But there was one message that interested him. It was from the person he pai

a few months ago. Just as he had imagined and realized in the end, the show was a true success. It brought Giselle Namiozuka to the pinna

in tried hard to keep from being taken advantage of. The


oman at 19th Luxurious St

o Justin. Without looking twi

e from the cigarette, which was quite thick this time. There was little nicotine left and he c

der his influence, his protection, and he would take her to the highest peak. For Giselle to be able to do whatever is with

ll chewing on the sweet treat. "These are delicious. Why don't you try the

omeone two

ried to be as calm as possible. He took a sip of his warm chocolate and smiled slightly

it's clear who it's aimed at as Justi

orgotten wh


e the gist of

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