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CEO anos tequila

Chapter 5 best friends

Word Count: 1248    |    Released on: 26/02/2024

I have humanity, you idiot. I got into the car without waiting for a response, I reversed and faced him, gesturing with my hand that the way was clear, then I gave him the middle fing

te myself so much, I closed the car lid and smiled. I went back inside and a faint memory of the gas station guy telling me that the gas gauge was broken crossed my mind and my body grew hot. It couldn't be that I had driven a hundred or so kilometers and ran out of fuel right there, in front of the inedible man's house, to humiliate myself more. I got out of the car again, leaned against the vehicle and covered my eyes with my hands. - Hell! - I kicked the tire taking out my anger. I looked into the distance, looking for a way out, until a nice lady, who I hadn't noticed nearby, approached and put her hand on my shoulder. - Everything is fine? Her face was affectionate and I decided to explain the truth. - No, not good. Anything! - My eyes filled with tears and the stranger pulled me into a hug. I hadn't received a loving gesture like that in a while. She didn't say anything, just hugged me and kept it that way. After a few minutes she separated and looked at me with a smile. - Need help? - I nodded. - What do you need? - I needed so many things that I couldn't choose just one. She, noticing that I didn't even know how to start, said: - Come, I'll make you some tea and you can tell me how I can help. I cried even more, because that lady seemed sent by my mother, it was clearly something she would do for a stranger. - Thank you - was what I managed to say and followed her. She took me by the hand as if we were intimate and entered the gate, being looked at by several security guards with worried looks. I found myself so vulnerable that I accepted whatever she could offer me, including entering the cruel Baron's dangerous enclosure. We walked through a not very big yard, but a garden that looked like a movie house. I passed the garage with several cars and the lady took me through the back door, where we entered the house straight into a kitchen. - Sit down and I'll prepare it. Do you want to eat somethin

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