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Wanted by the Rogue Alpha.

Chapter 4 We meet again.

Word Count: 1164    |    Released on: 27/02/2024


h was separate from the main pack and was reserved for only crimina

on in the whole world, reserved for the

uard said in a mocking tone as th

in the darkness, but the handcuffs on my hand prevented

that this wasn't the right time to show weakness, but prove to th

d place to sit on the floor and

ith me, and I could only scream and cu

, but the door was kicked open,

u talking me

e landed an iron whip a

es are not allowed to

d not a slave!”. I

ds dared not look

and landed it across my skin an uncou

ou not to

nto my clothes and skin, and

k and wondered where I

o of my hand, making me

nfully and sp

icked me

ass on these field. I'll be bac

area he had pointed,

tare and had blades that would cut throu

k on it through

chain and for some minutes; I felt l

princess”. He sneered sarc

posed to use my bare han

the weeding?”. I yelled after th



nster Alpha that I wasn't afraid of him and



hell. It looked like I had aged by

ked unkempt and had cuts

cause they took joy in meting out the worst o

ould rather die than grovel an

ndred heavy lids and metals while the sun scorched my

nd anytime soon?”.

r perha

as brought her, but I knew he most definitely wo


st before I was dragged out for another punishmen

y began to unlock the chain

on?”. I quest

e cell and responded i

ions. The Alpha req

n by the Alpha r

He cut in sharply, sla

have a change of clothes. I won't remind you to beh

to a room to take my bath and change out of the

skimpy see—through dress that bar

g else to put on othe

t waste my time!”.

e people I'll make sure to pun

hed me after I had

ble. My breasts and laps were

d against my c

going to se

ic door, which I supposed was th

I heard a gruff voice


ard to go in first, and

prepared for t

lady laying in bed with the

rly p

over up, even though t

and didn't notice the maid who had followed

he maid whispered and yanked m

esence, my king.” The

ered the other two fema

to be left alone

out and closed the

reigned between

conditioner present in the ro

face him. No, this ca

. He spoke, his voice so

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