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Author: lily spark

Chapter 1 The very beginning

Word Count: 4053    |    Released on: 29/02/2024

a 17 year old girl. Tyla being the eldest was left to care for her younger siblings, kerin and kelvin both age five. Their parents disappearance till remains a myster

three children a number of times but failed. Tyla wasn’t willing to part. For all she knew, her parents could likely just pop out of nowhere tomorrow and she wasn't willing to pa

ts house, it meant nothing. Tyla herself was bearing the brunt of it all, their useless relatiives were only useful in stopping the children officer and any other third party form p

willing to let the twins out her sight. Circumstances had succeeded in turning her into an "overprotective single mum", a guardian angel and a dangerous teenager at that. She

w was your night’’, Tyla said

her usual routine on week days to prepare them for school and she was glad to. The money from her parents trust which was now in the name of both Kerin and Kelvin was almost enough to cater for their educational needs, for now at least. She gets them ready for school and leaves them to eat while she goes to get ready, her

is hands. After about ten minutes walk, they arrive at the school . Tyla wasn’t going to take any chances and hence always made sure she walked the

l satisfied. She had chosen to drop out of school to be able to fend for her siblings, though the money from the trust was capable of catering for every single one of their needs

f she got

obbed and the perpetrato

riously ill and all the mone

entrance doors leading to different areas. The restaurant is made of two sections, there was the regular section which was for every regular customer, always quite crowdy but organized and then there was the VIP section, which was where the other much more secured beautiful and heavily guarded entrance door led to. This particular section as the name implied was meant for the rich and well positioned in the society as always. In the same manner the customer section was divided, likewise the staff section and work area. The staffs were divided into the bronze and silver staffs. The bronze staff worked in a separate area of the kitchen and took separate orders from that of the silver staff who served the VIP section. Both sections hence had different kitchen areas and staffs to suit the taste of their customer. There wasn’t really any specific qualification for working in the VIP section. The pay was high but it was not worth it. Tyla was employed as a bronze level staff. It

gifts for him frequently to remain in his good books to either get into the silvers or to even keep their job. Some even went as far as following him home to help with his chores and even worse

o on, but as for Tyla she always went a little extra and tried to engage the customers making sure they felt welcomed. While taking orders, she made it a habit of complimenting the customers, asking about their day and when she didn’t have orders to

by the corner holding trays of the respecive tables for each order. Having collected all the orders no new customers were coming in and so Tyla was pretty unoccupied for the meantime. She walked over to an empty table by the corner and decides to take a seat to relax her legs. No sooner had she sat down did Evelyn, a colleague of hers walk up to her ranting . Ev

g here . everyone is walking their ass off an

no new customers had come in for a while now so I

give you time to sit! Get up this instant, go and stand by the door, call in

old else the witch would come back to hunt her again. She straightened her shirt and walked briskly to the entrance door. The door man was still there, it was his job to welcome in customers but now sh

for the meantime and he could take a break until she would be called in for duty again. Pa jones was very glad that he could take a break as it was not very often he got the chance to take breaks. It was always an issue if he was found missing from his post for more than ten minutes. He explained a few things to Tyla and left Tyla to commence her duty. It was at that moment that she realised how hard Pa Jones work was, she had alway

h to make things better. Three hours had passed and she was still standing there, tensed up and upset but could not even show it becau

itely in every right above her; to their dress, hair, skin and ev

for another year. It was now mid afternoon and the scorching sun wasn’t even sparing her. She had tried to take a rest for a while but the moment she decided to take a step, Evelyn’s voice had blasted through the speaker in the ceiling. Now she was sure that she was being watched and her oppresoor wouldn’t rest until her spirit was brok

w. It was almost time for her to go pick up kla nd kelvin from school but Evelyn had still not called

, can you cover for me for a few minutes? I need to go i

ve helped me enough toda

ir’’, Tyla replied and

couldn’t find Evelyn anywhere. She went into the kitchen area but Evelyn was nowhere to be seen. Time was running quite fast and

and I need to go now. I have to pick up my siblings from sch

l you do find her, I would not be found ru

nded them before and so she couldn’t grasp the reason why they decided to become a pain in her ass. She went to the locker room,took her bag, punched out and left rooster. She had a feeling that there was going to be an issue tomorrow bu

n the corner wearing very sad faces. She called out to them and they raised up their heads to see Tyla running towar

ened at work and I couldn’t make it in time’’

left and you still hadn’t shown up, you have never

oing to take us to you’’, Kelvin lamented placing one han

ust because they thought something bad happened to her suddenly made her smile. She was only two hours late and they h

, kerin blurted out having freed herself form Tyla’

on’t abandon us righ

. For what she knew, they were the best parents she could have ever had, so she was never really open to the idea that they left willingly. Kerin and Kelvin were still little when it all happened and so whatever memory they still had of

thm for a while and moved to place h

She didn’t even realize that tears were already pouring down from

e us cry’’, kelvin said wipi

ou or forget you. You two have really spoilt my day. I had a bad da

ay that again. We love you’’,

them a hug. ‘’ I would never abandon you, you’re all

ers and they walked out of the school gate. They had been walking for quite a while but none of them had

parked by the road. Tyla got ice cream for all of them and they licked away happily. The three siblings laughed away and they didn’t even realise how much they had walked until they found themselves on the street of their home. The twins ran all the way to the front door with Tyla just a few steps behind them. The door was u

e murmured and stumb

ire life had turn upside down since that day thanks to Evelyn. On resuming work the next day

w that. Evelyn wasn’t ignorant of Magnus’s nature, she just didn’t mind as long she wasn’t placed below another girl. Afterall, they wer

with Evelyn and so she was quite prepared for what was going to come. She walked into the office to find Mr Magnus and Evelyn in a very compromising position. There she was sitted on his

arassed as Evelyn still remained sitted on Mr. Magnus lap but they had stopped whatever it was

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