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1 Chapter 1 Contract Lover's Farewell2 Chapter 2 Cold Deceit3 Chapter 3 Homecoming4 Chapter 4 Unveiling Shadows5 Chapter 5 Title: Echoes of Substitution6 Chapter 6 Unwanted Encounters7 Chapter 7 Cornered Prey8 Chapter 8 Negotiating Survival9 Chapter 9 Desperate Measures10 Chapter 10 Unexpected Encounter11 Chapter 11 The Unwanted Substitute12 Chapter 12 Unspoken Intentions13 Chapter 13 Unexpected Encounters14 Chapter 14 Unexpected Revelations15 Chapter 15 The High Stakes Game16 Chapter 16 A Game of Deception17 Chapter 17 A Standoff of Principles18 Chapter 18 A Test of Loyalties19 Chapter 19 Swaying Loyalties20 Chapter 20 Under the Weight of Contempt21 Chapter 21 Unveiling Shadows22 Chapter 22 Entangled Ambitions23 Chapter 23 Strategic Alliances and Sinister Threats24 Chapter 24 Fear and Facades25 Chapter 25 Entangled in Shadows26 Chapter 26 Echoes of Betrayal27 Chapter 27 Beneath the Mask of Indifference28 Chapter 28 Shattered Illusions29 Chapter 29 Parting Shadows30 Chapter 30 Unveiling Secrets31 Chapter 31 Rain-soaked Reflections32 Chapter 32 Shelter from the storm33 Chapter 33 Unexpected Comfort 34 Chapter 34 Misunderstood Kindness 35 Chapter 35 Struggling with Shadows36 Chapter 36 Feverish Dreams and Haunting Memories 37 Chapter 37 Feverish Confessions38 Chapter 38 Resolute Departure 39 Chapter 39 A caring heart 40 Chapter 40 Gratitude and Hope 41 Chapter 41 Unexpected Messages 42 Chapter 42 Unsettling Messages43 Chapter 43 A Desperate Plan 44 Chapter 44 The Desperate Decision 45 Chapter 45 A Fragile Rest46 Chapter 46 A Bitter Sweet Fitting47 Chapter 47 A Sister's Love48 Chapter 48 Unwavering Sisterhood 49 Chapter 49 Sisterly Bonds50 Chapter 50 Starry Beginnings51 Chapter 51 The Wedding Crash: Deception and Determination52 Chapter 52 Contractual Confrontation: A Battle of Wills53 Chapter 53 Whispers of Concern54 Chapter 54 A Bittersweet Farewell55 Chapter 55 A Fateful Encounter56 Chapter 56 An Unforeseen Encounter57 Chapter 57 A Deadly Game of Deception58 Chapter 58 Trapped in the Unknown 59 Chapter 59 Confrontation with the Unknown 60 Chapter 60 The Desperate Plea 61 Chapter 61 Unforeseen Encounters62 Chapter 62 Caught in the Crossfire63 Chapter 63 Playing the Game64 Chapter 64 Caught in the Trap65 Chapter 65 Unexpected Interruptions 66 Chapter 66 Blindfolded Desires67 Chapter 67 Bound by Darkness68 Chapter 68 Unveiling Shadows69 Chapter 69 Shadows and Secrets70 Chapter 70 Whispers of the Night71 Chapter 71 Confronting Shadows72 Chapter 72 Unveiling Retribution73 Chapter 73 The Price of Betrayal74 Chapter 74 Unraveling Fate75 Chapter 75 The Unraveling Mystery76 Chapter 76 The Aftermath77 Chapter 77 Confessions and Concerns78 Chapter 78 Reflections and Regrets79 Chapter 79 The Blackmail 80 Chapter 80 The Blackmailer's Threat 81 Chapter 81 Trapped in Shadows82 Chapter 82 Electric Encounter83 Chapter 83 The Temptation of Submission84 Chapter 84 Unveiling Masks85 Chapter 85 The Illusion of Safety86 Chapter 86 Acceptance and Closure87 Chapter 87 Redefining Success88 Chapter 88 Standing Tall89 Chapter 89 Unspoken Gratitude90 Chapter 90 TitlUnexpected Encounters91 Chapter 91 Unforeseen Conversations92 Chapter 92 Clash of Wills93 Chapter 93 Navigating Obligations94 Chapter 94 Official Duties95 Chapter 95 Unexpected Encounters96 Chapter 96 Title: Echoes of the Past97 Chapter 97 Forgotten Memories 98 Chapter 98 Bitter Betrayal99 Chapter 99 Broken Promises100 Chapter 100 Echoes of the Past