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1 Chapter 1 Open your Eyes2 Chapter 2 Ground Up3 Chapter 3 Freedom4 Chapter 4 Surveillance 5 Chapter 5 Past Obsession6 Chapter 6 Shone with Admiration7 Chapter 7 The Divorce Papers8 Chapter 8 Send her Surprises9 Chapter 9 Perfect Face10 Chapter 10 Slash the Suit11 Chapter 11 Devotion12 Chapter 12 So Red-hot13 Chapter 13 Gorgeous Daughter of the Richest man14 Chapter 14 Effective Trick15 Chapter 15 Justin's Heart16 Chapter 16 Please Drink17 Chapter 17 Crazy Actions18 Chapter 18 Drink or Dance19 Chapter 19 You Lowly Thing20 Chapter 20 The Wife21 Chapter 21 Thompson Family Secret22 Chapter 22 Save Up23 Chapter 23 Her love and Devotion24 Chapter 24 Stabilizing the Situation25 Chapter 25 Get off the elevator26 Chapter 26 Come In27 Chapter 27 Ignorant Accomplice28 Chapter 28 Deep Relive29 Chapter 29 Be in Pain30 Chapter 30 Deepening the Grudge31 Chapter 31 Filth32 Chapter 32 Suitable Candidate33 Chapter 33 Battlefield of Emotion34 Chapter 34 Intense Gaze35 Chapter 35 Date with an Ex36 Chapter 36 The Restaurant37 Chapter 37 Turning Red38 Chapter 38 Subtle Attack39 Chapter 39 A moment's Notice40 Chapter 40 Smile's Attraction 41 Chapter 41 Team Bear 42 Chapter 42 Immune to Nonsense 43 Chapter 43 Project Abroad44 Chapter 44 A Good Job45 Chapter 45 The Gold Corporation 46 Chapter 46 Secret Cryptic 47 Chapter 47 Unprecedented Attention 48 Chapter 48 Shameless Acts49 Chapter 49 Bottomless and Emotionless50 Chapter 50 A Light Sentence 51 Chapter 51 Portrait at the Palace of Versailles 52 Chapter 52 My Private Matters 53 Chapter 53 Never Look Back54 Chapter 54 The heiress of KS Group55 Chapter 55 Harmless Self56 Chapter 56 Bitch's Cheap Tricks 57 Chapter 57 An Empty Shell58 Chapter 58 The Pawn59 Chapter 59 The Thompson family's treasure60 Chapter 60 Love-brained 61 Chapter 61 Charity Event62 Chapter 62 Revolting63 Chapter 63 Where's Carrie64 Chapter 64 Useless Ex-husband65 Chapter 65 Mind Work66 Chapter 66 The Colors of the Rain67 Chapter 67 Sexy Beauty68 Chapter 68 The Flaming Heart69 Chapter 69 Token of Love70 Chapter 70 Dream on71 Chapter 71 Broken piece of jade72 Chapter 72 Grudges 73 Chapter 73 The Bracelet74 Chapter 74 A graceful figure in a dark green dress75 Chapter 75 A laughingstock76 Chapter 76 Steal the Show77 Chapter 77 Head Sick78 Chapter 78 The Salvador family79 Chapter 79 My Enemy80 Chapter 80 The Profile Finder81 Chapter 81 Held on Lock82 Chapter 82 It's my favorite Toy83 Chapter 83 Playing Cupid84 Chapter 84 Self Worth,Self Control 85 Chapter 85 No way in Hell86 Chapter 86 The Lighter87 Chapter 87 Bittersweet Feeling 88 Chapter 88 Such an Extraordinary Character 89 Chapter 89 Take the Blame90 Chapter 90 The Necklace Unveiled91 Chapter 91 Fingerprint identification92 Chapter 92 Physiological Desires 93 Chapter 93 Intolerance 94 Chapter 94 Envision the Moonlight 95 Chapter 95 Wyatt's Private Studio96 Chapter 96 Eyes so Charming 97 Chapter 97 Don't Panic98 Chapter 98 Quite Exciting 99 Chapter 99 Delete It100 Chapter 100 Feelings Hurt