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The White Waterfall


Word Count: 2585    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

sprung up about sunset, and The Waif was plunging through a moon-washed ocean, sending furrows of foam from her forefoot while the wind snored through her canvas.

of punching his head as I had thought of doing during the baiting I received from Miss Barbara Herndon. The youngster had

a solid foundation. And I don't suppose you are inclined to thank me for giving you the op

gh of the joke. By the way, what pos

ll invite me to come ashore with him. The Professor and his daughters, with Leith and half a dozen natives,

you doing ab

e cheap holiday for me. I wanted to take a run to the States, but that would have cost him mo

turned in our walk, but he

been pleasa

Say, I like you, and I know you like her by the manner in which you e


arbara Hernd

se, and I hardly knew-well, I didn't kn

anced up at me as I took his hand, I looked into a face that was as open as the day-a face that possessed all th

n of the girls. That's why I put Miss Barbara up to the game of

pass muster

cally. "Miss Barbara Herndon says th

near the galley. "Some one is hiding ther

e moon and something else

ure of it,

he found nothing. He returned to my side shaking h

but whoever it was he managed to slip a

t was probably one of the islanders, and

turned away, and he put a q

think of Leit

me, but I was not in a hurry to give m

few words to him," I

ngster. "Don't you think-well, of course

making a confidant of a stranger. "What's wrong

el, then at the shadow patch that had d

devil!" he

ion was given, but the manner in which the young fellow had imparted his opinion was amusing. But it was

his left hand as we turne

we're after?" he

"That's what you and Captain Newmarch told

the particular li

I re

ofessor about some ancient boneyard that he know

of them up to Vavau for a German scientist last year. He was taking them home to European museums

e Professor into this deal, and the old man is as green as grass. Herndon supplied the money and all th

; "and what do hi

to a madman. He sees Fame coming down the pike, and he's blind to all the tricks of that dev

s aflame with indignation, and any suspicions I had reg

Herndon?" I r

when he wanted you to repeat that yarn to satisfy his curiosity. He's a bad egg, do you hear? He's out for trouble, and

aptain?" I

chartered the yacht. Anyhow, he doesn't say enough to let any one know which side of the fence he is on. He has

love and hate with some intensity, and it appeared to me that Holman had found marks for both a

y dials. It seems that the Professor wants skulls, and it appears that Leith knows of a spot where he can gather up the oldest specimens in

e youngster. "Perhaps I said too

ty glad you d

ed to have suddenly awakened to the beauty of life. The veil of morbid pessimism that came before my eyes during the weary days I had spent upon the beach at Levuka was torn aside, and a wave of gladness entered my being. I felt that the voyage would be an eventful one to me, and I tramped the

at had attracted his attention while he was talking to me. I stopped and watched it


f, together with the six men that were with the Professor's party, were all natives, and I wondered as I watched the shadow why one should be crawling around as if a

r was hiding. I didn't throw the pin with any force, although the yell that came out

the rap from the iron pin. A knife flashed in the moonlight, and I staggered as the blade touched my forehead like a tongue

with Newmarch, who had just rushed up from the cabin, a

cried. "What's the

ye out!" I roared. "He flung a knif

only noises that came up were the shrill snores of the islanders, but the blood that streamed down my face made

aked occupant of the first bunk. A glance convinced me that his sleep was genuine. His mouth was wide open as he

s prolonged snore my suspicions were aroused. I thrust my hand beneath the single blanket that co

lamp and poking him roughly in the ribs. "What

while the occupants of the other bunks, who were

hrow that knif

" he muttered. "Me

roughly and dragged him toward the ladder with the

a heavy boot came down on my fingers and the


tried to knife m

march. "Do you hear me?

erest in the proceedings. The captain was beside me then, and his quick breathing betrayed his excitement. As I lift

l things happen to

o you mean?

a rough house on board this boat I'll

nce of the wound I had received, and the captain's indifference left me breath

w I determined to make another effort to

galley all the evening," I cried. "I attempted

h for sympathy in the moonlit night. I remembered as I endeavoured to staunch the wound, the question which I had put to Holman concerning the captain only an hour be

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