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The White Waterfall


Word Count: 3457    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

e after the other the members of the expedition came on deck. Leith stumbled up when Newmarch shouted down the information, and the big brute watched the tiny spot that came gradually nearer; the

and back again to the island as if he was tryin

stillness. The crew and the half dozen islanders that Leith had brought to carry provisions and specimens were also silent. They were grouped for'ard, but not a murmur came fro

imaginative Polynesians directed upon the shore; the strange predicament in which they were placed tied the tongues of the two girls; the

effect upon the water above them was wonderful to behold. The Waif seemed to make her way over a floor of beautiful parquetry which Mother Nature had been constructing

lowers appeared at intervals like watchful eyes. Scarlet hibiscus and perfumed frangipanni were everywhere, while climbing jasmine tried to cover up the black basalt rocks in the foreground as if to hide everything that was ugly

or plunged down into the bed of coral, and the lo

," she murmured. "All those snaky creepers with th

common to places that are cloaked with a tremendous silence, had gripped the

younger sister, "I wi

girl, "but it is useless to attempt

ace!" cried Miss B

e younger girl. "You will not be lonely, Barbara. Mr. Holman and father

nd squeaked out an answer to the req

ut he doesn't think you would be of any use. He has all t

tickled me. I had made up my mind without waiting for Leith's decision, and I was more plea

island. The sight of land seemed to stir the sallow-faced giant out of the lethargy that had gripped him on the way down from Levuka.

d Leith by shrieking out orders and strutting about in a manner that was ludicrous. Professor Herndon was bubbling over with excitement. The stories which Leith had fed to him continuous

t the world inside three mo

that," drawl

t. "If everything is as you say our task will be an

fore the boat was directly beneath him. Holman saved him from a ducking, but his solar topee,

ligible grunt as Leith followed. Within two hours after The Waif had cast anchor the two boats containing the stores and the ill-

in that order they moved across the little strip of white sand that glittered like diamond dust. The heavy green foliage came out to meet them, dr

kle as he turned toward me wh

us busy for the week or so we will be here. Get about it

ce seemed to clutch me hard at that moment, and I mentally abused myself for not making a stronger protest against the whole affair. But I knew as I damned my own inactivi

me after him, but the Professor's desire to push on would probably prevent him from making an effort to check my story by sending a runner back to the boat. And luck was with me at that moment. As I racked my brain in the construction of a suitable excuse to account for my appearance, my eyes fell upon the Professor's camera that had been overlooked in the hurry of departure, and I sprang

y one of the crew was on deck. I seized the oars and struck out for the shore, but I had hardly covered twenty

e dory toward the promontory with every ounce of strength I possessed. To return to the yacht while she was in the eerie jungle-gro

ce!" he shouted.

e upward convinced me that I had sensed the captain's motive when I saw him rush from the side. He was standing o

ut three inches, and I shrieked my defiance. The devil had my nerves on edge, b

got the better of him. The succeeding shots fell wide, and I whooped like a madman as I drove the boat on to the green to

was impossible for him to leave the yacht to follow me, but I guessed that

f Toni, his "all same brother who had worked with him at Suva." They pulled for the spot where I had left the dory, and here the Fijian sprang out, while the others proceede

s belt and crouching on his heels started to sharpen the blade. As he rubbed industriously he sang a weird tune in his native tongue, rounding off each verse with five words in English that explained his industry. The words were: "Now I'll

y hiding place, and th

our brother," I said softly. "If the cap

"I not to speak to you," he said. "Kapitani tell me not to. I go


n chance comes,"

help you as much as I can if you turn over the note which the captain gave you and do just w

ent duty was forgotten in the thirst for vengeance upon Soma, and the debate with his conscience was o

t," he grinned. "Me ca

exceedingly b

following y

and at intervals he assured the dead Toni that vengeance was only a matter of a few

find Leith and the Professor. See, I have the Professor's picture maker. He forgot i

of his knife blade with the ball of

tioned. "Toni's spirit can wait a few days till you ge

ve things, and I damned the Professor's idiotic craving for notoriety as we waded through the clammy creepers in search of the trail made by the party. The prickly rope-like vines seemed to b

castles against the pure Venetian blue of the tropical sky. But the sky was visible only for moments that were far removed from each other. The crawling vines that overran the trees made an impenetrable barrier against the

yes of the Fijian were exceedingly sharp in detecting the slightest evidence left by the party. We passed the spot where they had lunched, and increased our speed in an endeavour to overtake them before n

ike a suffocating bl

aipi. "Better make fire and

in front. From somewhere out of the inky night came the voice of Edith Herndon lifted up in a little Italian melody that I had heard her singing the

nto the circle of light round the fire, and L

"Who the devil gave you

as I fired the lie at him. "The carriers forgot Professor Hern

topped chattering. I guessed that he reasoned that it would be bad policy to show that he was angry at my arrival, while the camera partly convinced him that I had told the

along if you and Professor Herndon had no objecti

sightedness prevented him from noticing the frown which passed over the face of his partner,

" cried Miss Barbara. "It will ma

d," growled Leith, as if attempting

d let Mr. Verslun have the

some of mine," cr

," murmur

wishes of all, and he knew it. With a wave of his hand he ordered Kaipi to the fire where Soma

te of tinned salmon which Edith Herndon handed t

ail and couldn't find our way back to it. I thought on account of the way that the

nless Newmarch sent a second messenger to make sure that the

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