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The Alpha With The Kiss Of Death

Chapter 3 No. 2

Word Count: 1323    |    Released on: 08/03/2024


s consciousness as Randall stopped a

he thought of how foolish Reyana

round to face her. He took a few steps towards her and

ords through gritted teeth, hoping s

glare. There was a predatory gleam in his eyes, a hunger that sent a chill down Reyana's spine and mad

in panic. The depth and intensity of her stare was spellbinding. Randall's eyes shone a bright shade

nger. He'd known her for a while now. But the extra beauty s

e could, nervously licking her small, plump lip

turn dark before

ellan bowed and stepped out of the small chamber t

ds her, slamming her hard against the wall as

ggled to free herself from his deathly gr

me the perfect opportunity to punish you for what you did to Valerie!" He s

mpted, but she felt lif

e to punish... and nothing will ever save you from me. Not even death!" His

of her, making her fall weakly to the f

ng ragged and erratic, his bloodshot eyes regarding

that sooner or later, she'd die at the hands of


which was quiet and cozy. A sharp sigh escaped

lection on the old mirror on the wall, his

cross his chest as he closed his eyes, fightin

uld be himself. But that wasn't enough reason to be weak

door. He picked up his tunic a

calm voice betr

he huge door open as she walked in holding

y," she motioned toward the huge oak table in the mid

ou," he walked towards the table, picked up the ph

ething stronger, Alp

witches. She's been the one in charge of maki

the room as he strode towards the wood

new exactly what he meant. All she could do right now was to pra

l it all


d in the empty hall of the fortress as he took lon

r at the far end of the dark passage as if

wly swung open, as if acknowledging

ent world from his own world, almost ethereal and peaceful...

felt the presence of the

mmortal whi

Alpha Randall," her gentle voice spoke before Ra

I know nothing is above you," Alpha Randall

her," she slowly walked towards the large shelve holding some ancient scrolls, her del

usand years now but she still lo

tion of this destiny rests in the choices you make. I can not inter

already. All he wanted right now was to

y a great role in the fulfillment or destruction of your destiny. You need

ill, paying attention

e Moon Goddess should bear the mark of the Green-eyed wolf!" Her

sha stepped foot into this pack. She is obviously the one the Moon Goddess tal

short laugh, "but, remember, she wasn't the only on

ed through his mind. Visha wasn't the only one who was rescued and brought into the

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