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Through the Wall


Word Count: 2866    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ies. Judge, then, of the complicated procedure involved in so serious a matter as getting murdered-especially in a fashionable restaurant! Long before the commissary had finished his report the

e officials went over the case with the commissary and the doctor, both viewed the body and studied its surroundings and, having formed a theory of the crime, both proceeded to draw up a report. And the doctor drew up his report. And already Gibelin (now at the prison with Kitt

pparatus for photographing the victim and the scene of the crime. And their work occupied two full hours owing largely

ance in opinions and conclusions. The chief of police and M. Pougeot were strong for th

ange," insisted the judge; "the pistol was not a

in is burned, and the face shows unmistakable powder marks. I

e would never have allowed a murderer to get so close to him without a struggle. But there is not the slightes

t, "where is the weapon? The man d

y," agreed

llen beside him or remained i

s here. How do you kn

not suicide. The man was shot through the right eye, the ball went in straight and clean, tearing its way to the brain. Well, in th


the heart, anywhere, but not in the eye. There would be an

his head. "And

ust find the woman. And we must un

d this crime," declared the commissary,

gue that the American never

t re

't. If he had killed this man, do you think anything w

can't be sure of the murderer-yet, but

murder, how do you account for the singed

did: 'Ask the w

sary. "And, gentlemen, all our talk brings

from the American some clew to the owner of cloak and bag, but the young man had refused to spea

uteville grimly. There was no judge in the parquet who had his r

out," snapped the detectiv

. Pougeot. The commissary glanced at it quickly and then, with a word of excuse,

laimed the latter. "I tho

t closer and w

d the chief. "Why, certai

is, all except Gibelin, whose curt nod and suspicious glances showed that

s like the old days! If you were only with us

ent seriousness which always carried conviction, and M. Simon and the judge, feeling the man's power, waited his further

the force two years ago. I need not go into details; the p

n frank astonishment, "I understood that y

yes, I

of a hundred th

but-I have

man refuse a salary of a hundred thousand francs? The commissary

u have refused it

s, largely because I want t


se so interesting?

d with all the authority of his fine, grave face: "It's more than interesting,

ey stare

jected M. Simon. "After all, we have o

he game. He became troublesome and was sacrificed. He is of no importance, but there'

t's a great game?"

o that Bordeaux counterfeiting gang in a Passy wine shop? Why did I think it necessary to-night to be on the cab this young American took and not behind it in another cab?" He shot a

?" challeng

ed M. Paul smoothly

nderstand that you were with the driver who

r of receiving five francs from my distinguished associate." He bowed mockingly

perfectly useless trick,"

vating politeness; "perhaps it was a rather

What r

esults?" ech

rately, "what you regard as the most import

oman," answered Ha

agreed the

this woman's name and addres

he whole case rests on this woman. Wi

ed this name and address in the last few hours with nothing but his wits to help

pted the chief, "what

e the woman's n

ble!" th

on my own terms." He spoke with a look of fearless p

s! How did you do

ern light and I saw exactly what he was doing. He opened the lady's bag

"there was no name in the

side of the flap," laughed

's hear

flap from the Ameri

olleague into the thing, for he was close beh

u do?" pursu

one as we drove through dark little streets. And I noted where he dropped

" muttered

help me. That was one of the things I

ith the name and address, you




I see

promise to respect them

he frowned, and then impatien

a number of white-leather fragments. And he showed the chief that mos

of the fragments and returning them. "Bon Dieu!" he st

is was the wretchedest

"we must have these pieces of

want to be put back on the for

to be easily arranged. I will see the p

e him to-night. It's ten minutes to his

ry, aren't you? Well, so are we. W


put in the commissary. "I may ha

of criminals in this city, and if I tell him that I absolutely need Paul Coquenil

ad hurried off, leaving Co

. Paul, offering h

in with deliberate inso

y, as he lighted a cigarette. His companion did the same and the two

dn't you be ugly if somebody butted in

ght he could handle it better than

M. Paul, offering

er silence, broken p

being pulled out of bed at three in the morning just be

think he'll do?

s, that's what he'll do. And you'll never get

s head. "I don't

e whole police departme

wing down to me, it's

." He rose and moved toward the door. Then he turne

eap enough. He might

n't forget that it was raining and dark and you had that rubber cape

't say

r, exasperated by M. Paul's good nature. "The best me

ll call on y

lly good care that you don't

ike to kick and growl, but you do your work. Tell you what I'll do a


to work on it. Ha, ha!

, "or I'll do some work on this case you'll wish I hadn't done." With

sat silent, lost in thought, until the others retur

ight," said

iend," beamed Pougeot, s

ice," added M. Hauteville;


e chief; "you are one of

ou," said M. Paul wit

on, "and I will see that you have every possible assi

of his tireless energy, he said: "If it's all the

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