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Through the Wall

Chapter 6 THE WEAPON

Word Count: 1684    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

f cab drivers and belated pedestrians and to this Coquenil and the commissary now withdrew. Before anything else the detectiv

seated in the back room, "did you find out how that woman

t was hanging there. It belonged to the telephone girl and it's missing. The rain coat had a hood to it

pa Tignol," ap

od work this night," chuckled Tignol

!" muttere

oquenil listening with intense concentration, interrupting now and

e banquet room and from these private

tell m

r went out, he must


o passed Joseph were the


he muttered.

do you

guilt on one or the


nd the


at. The murderer I am looking for is not that kind of a murderer. To begin with, he's not a fool. If he made up his

given them to you," retorted t

shook h

some of the facts; before morning I

very large mouth, the owner of the place, who had been hove

iend?" asked Coque

front room who came forward with fidgety shyness, begging the gentlemen to forgive her if she ha

d as a seamstress all day in a hot, crowded atelier, and when she came home at night she loved to go out on her balcony, especially these fine summer evenings. She would stand there and brush her hair while she watched the

"what has that to do with me? I have ve

ol shot from across the street, and looking down, she saw a glittering object thrown from a window. She saw it distinctly and watched where it fell beyond the high wal

o longer and, taking the woman's

where you saw this glitterin

the left of that heavy doorway on the courty

o the left of tha

him quick instructions, whereupon the old man hurried acro

what it was?" asked

" and at that moment the door swung o

person who threw this thing

I saw h

f satisfaction. "His ar

k coat sleeve and his wh

ot his

nly th

which he threw this object?" The

ber; it's the end window, on the

erstood the commissary's diagram, the seamstress was pointing n

ide, he asked: "Does that end window on the fi

er Se

window ne


you s


ment," and he rejo

ce," he said to her politely. "I

he murmured

open windows, the end window and the one next to it. Isn't it possible

, n

both being open, one mig

ely. "I have made no mista

the door opposite and, looking over,

aid and hurried a

e," whispe



ered what I

rse I did. I haven't touched it.

to stay here until I come bac

us, friendly air, he began: "And you still think tha

ion: "I beg a thousand pardons, I am nervous. I

l. "Now go right back to your room and

monsieur be so kind as to say

d whispered mysteriously: "I

omb!" exclaimed the u

ing your hair," he urged, and the woman

iage plants between which the pistol had fallen. The doorkeeper of the house, a crabbed individual who had only become mi

urch is a high iron railing around the archbishop's house. In the railing is an iron gate with a night bell for Extreme Unction. Ring this bell and ask to see the sacristan Bonneton, and when he comes out give him this." Coquenil wrote hastily on a card. "It's an order t

touched his c

stol. When the doorkeeper comes back sen

nodded th

ougeot: "I must talk to Grit

watch. "Yes, but do you real

pends on it. Get him out of bed for m

"but what in Heaven's name are

" answere

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