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Cozy Nights With My Husband

Chapter 4 A Promise for the Life Time

Word Count: 1380    |    Released on: 09/03/2024

den glasses frame were a little incomprehensibly deep, staring at Jian Ran’s

house, and she was very good at cooking a few home-cooked

lly knocked on the door of the study, and ge

heard him say: “You can deal with these matte

rectly, and the moment he looked up, he met Jian

at.” Jian Ran smiled, no

s tone was indi

neither of them spoke to break the silence,

mething to talk about, but swallowed the words b

dishes, but Jian Ran did not refuse. He is willing

, it can be seen that he must ha

of such a big company do such t


breaking from the kitchen, Jian Ran

bowl in his hand and staring blankly at t

walked over to take the

ered Jian Ran’s outstretched ha

inue with Qin Yue’s firm gaze, so she nodde

egal couple, Qin Yue is still ju

stand everything about him, and tr

she really approach him with the same

d up the remote control version to turn on

the direction of the kitchen, and through the glass door, he

t, it turns out that this man can al

y. Looking at each other, Jian Ran saw the slight coolness

n Ran’s face blushed slightly, a

he TV screen again, but all sh

can wash dishes so tastefully. When will

ing room and saw Jian Ran in a daze. He stared at her del

oice, Jian Ran thought it was very nice,

ther side: “There are some things tha

to have a good talk with him, and to

ith his deep gaze, and then slowly s

eople from the company to gossip behind our backs because of our personal re

urrent results, and she still wants to rely on her own efforts to co

tend to hide from you the identity of the CEO of Innovation Technology. I don’t know what’s in your heart when I see you

d life are completely separate for me. I don

ificate with Qin Yue, and Jian Ran feels that there i

affected. Secondly, she is not sure ho

in Yue paused, then said: “Did you t

ead, not wanting to

’t mind, I want to visit my father-in-law and mother-in-law with you after I’m busy.” He said, his

propriate, so she hurriedly explained, “I have something happened


rd, Jian Ran’s heart will ache,

hat home was no longer her hom

eriously, and said, “From now on, you

but because the voice itself was

t words of love, made Jian Ran’s hea

s, she still felt sad and sad when thinking about that in

spoke again, “We are already husband and wife, and

unned again. Looking up at him, meeting his very sincere eyes, she

seconds, and said, “Then Jian Ran, can you promise me t

atically, “I will try my b

thinks in her heart. At this moment, Qin Yue s

cle is a warm and sweet article with love

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