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Cozy Nights With My Husband

Chapter 6 Unexpected Lunch Agreements

Word Count: 1368    |    Released on: 09/03/2024

kill her. So when Qin Yue asked her to go to work together in his car, she shook her head and refused without thinking. Although they didn’t take Qinyue’s car, they arrived at the company

s before he spoke, “I’ll wait for you.” “No need…” Jian Ran instinctively wanted to refuse, but before she could say the rejection, she hung up the phone. Looking at the darkened mobile phone screen, Jian Ran frowned slightly, and finally sighed helplessly, what reason did she have for refusing to have lunch with her new husband. Lily Hotel is a five-star hotel near the company. It’s expensive. Jian Ran usually doesn’t come here unless the company entertains important customers. Arriving at the Lily Hotel, Jian Ran was thinking not to run into someone she knew, but she bumped into Qin Yue’s special assistant Xu Huiyi head-on. Jian Ran wanted to pretend she didn’t see it, but the other party stopped her: “Miss Jian, Boss Qin asked me to pick you up.” Jian Ran smiled awkwardly, and quickly followed Xu Huiyi’s pace. She and Qin Yue are obviously a legal couple, but now they give people the feeling of being a woman, which is really embarrassing. When she came to private room 1808, Jian Ran met Liu Yong, another special assistant of Qin Yue. Qin Yue took the initiative to get up and took Jian Ran’s coat, hung it on the hanger at the side, then opened the chair to let her sit down, and said: “Sister Xu and Liu Yong have worked beside me for many years, and they also know about our affairs.” Jian Ran nodded, did not speak, but looked more at Xu Huiyi and Liu Yong. Liu Yong and Xu Huiyi nodded politely at her, and without saying anything, they exited the private room in an orderly manner. Qin Yue filled a bowl of soup with his own hands and handed it to Jian Ran: “In these years, I have also done some business, so I have followed some people around me.” Hearing his initiative to explain, Jian Ran was very relieved, and smiled shyly at him: “Well, I can understand.” In the morning, the aunt at home made breakfast and delivered it, and she was surrounded by capable people like Liu Yong and Xu Huiyi. Qin Yue’s background was probably far more complicated than she imagined. Jian Ran didn’t want to get to the bottom of it. After all, she agreed to marry him because she thought this man looked pretty good, not because of his family background. Jian Ran didn’t ask any more questions, and Qin Yue didn’t say much, the two of them ate in silence. Moreover, Qin Yue’s family education since he was a child was not to eat

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