A Royals Honor
gency' said the woman 'What has he done? Nothing has come to my knowledge of any wrong doing' 'That is so because you are ill my queen,' said Mengi 'Stop the chatter and tell it to me honestly, if t
'Forgive me my queen but the remaining elder of the fathers family it is my duty to choose the bride' Mengi said 'We support Mengi, we do not want a subjective mind' 'I only wish him prosperity my queen, that is unless you doubt me' Mengi implied 'Very well' the queen answered 'I shall talk to my son and present this before him' 'My queen it is improper to address the king as your son' Mengi said angering the queen but she responded with a smile 'Where are my manners, I shall approach the king' 'We expect your feedback today my queen' the elder said 'Indeed this is a matter of urgency' the queen walked out and straight away went to Menas chambers quarters 'Where is my son?' she asked the servant at the chamber door who looked nervous 'My queen the king does not wish to be disturbed' he reported bowing his head 'am not just anyone, now move aside before I have someone make you' the man hesitated until the royal guard who was by the queens side made hi
through of bowl of rice and hiding the scrolls under his feet 'I had no idea such delicacies where served here' Neima added looking at it and then raised her hand for the woman cooking to come her way, Mayani looked at Mena when he saw the face of the woman, she was an elderly lady 'I will have what he is having' the woman looked at Mena for his approval and he nodded 'does she think I cannot pay'?' complained Neima 'Enlighten us, do you have money or anything of value to exchange for this bowl of rice?' he asked Neima her smile faltered 'I work for a stingy master' she responded 'it's only fair you pay for my meal' the woman brought the rice 'it smells divine, Nana should come and dine in this fine eatery' she said scooping her way through her meal 'what do they put in this?' everyone at