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A Broken Contract (Alpha's Secret Regret)

Chapter 2 An Endpoint

Word Count: 1851    |    Released on: 10/03/2024

and run, but I remai

the building gets their attention. Nick breaks t

w up on the sidewalk. He started to approac

something bad. I'm okay," I

situation was doing to me if I didn't get it together.

efore turning aw

end called out. "Wh

oking at her now is unbe


or my stomach," I called b

fear of merely talking to me in front of people? I'm his mat

trage if people saw them together. Whereas, I'm the daughter of the cook that wor

k, he was getting cozy with my best friend. I guess this means we truly are over

't stop. It feels like my heart is l

nd grabs my arm and spun me around. Ni

r and kept walking. Anger and hurt gave me the

rabs my wris

His voice is hard with a sharp edg

is face. Shock brightens his eyes, but he recovers quickly. Catching my wrist agai

ms first!” he said th

rds?” I push him off me, and he releases me qui

lain that's why I've been trying to reac

us? I was going to end it. Tonight! There's no need to see each other

t response is a nod. “You should’ve ended it befor

know why? Because you’re not the only o

urn to your... to her before someone sees you talkin

At least, you got the mess

ed in m

be damned. What we had was just

don't forget you signed an NDA. If you go about telling pack membe

is face. Maybe I want to confirm if he meant t


f the little cottages behind Reign’s mansion. I return to

aving to face her is mixed with immense

night wears on, it becomes clear how unnecessary that is. I l

rning, and I'm still eager to avoid

ate something bad. I spent a better part of the morning with my head buried in the toilet plate.

ay. I sit on my bed, staring into space when a bang comes on my door. Wit

ruly ill?" she a


dly hateful. There's no hint o

eir?" She took a step into my room.

as far as telling her after

ot, Sara James. I've known for some time now! It's

about what she meant. Doe

neaking around while leeching on the Reigns after

is mixed with fear. They wouldn't revoke my scholarsh

gonna pla

no point to all of this. "How

out running errands for your dad and s

harp with annoyance. Maybe a carryover from last n

gaged?” she asked instead

revelation. She caught the

s in an attempt to turn her words back to her. "Now I'm guess

ou’re a nobody. A cheap prostitute. What do you think I wouldn’t find out? How s

larship meant I could afford other things that I would originally not be

t at least you're back to reality now. Nic

umb from that

that? The luna

im." She grimaced. The hatred in her eyes i

you didn't know how to stay in thei

You said you've known for a while

this up as quickly as possible to keep the pack from finding out?" Her eyes were full of e

to take over. How would the luna clean this up to keep it from g

he's got before he becomes alpha and settles down with his already-chosen luna. Did you expect him to

an. But I also didn't expect this shit

you set your claws on the heir to Reign

hateful, but I should've sus

quick to remind me of my social status. Or of the fact that I'm a welfare student. I always brush

get kicked out and vanish from my eyes, and everything will go ba

, Sara. The fact that you thought he cou

My phone starts ringing before I

he answer button withou

this Sar

phone away for a quick glanc

e. You need to come quickly. Your father c

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