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A Broken Contract (Alpha's Secret Regret)

Chapter 4 Worst first date

Word Count: 1397    |    Released on: 12/03/2024

hone's screen when another t

us cafe in an h

as confusing. But then, our secret apartment was now compromis

ng and talking to me in public would've meant he wasn't ashamed of me.

th everything head-on and at once. At least, I know the full moon wasn't

ound out that I'm pregnant. Not that I

o request an actual test. I had to confirm what was

me to come back in forty-eight hours for the results. I imm

locked on mine from near the door. Jake was with him and o

Jake nodded in silent greeting. That was his best friend and future beta who knew all about our secret

omeone at the door. It was

ouldn't you be in class," h

close to nice, but he had no idea

grab a bite

minutes late. I would'v

ght that count

I wondered what he would've done if

l his eyes on me. I stole a glance his way, hoping to guess what he's

u aroun

glass of apple juice once I entered. Hopefully, I'll be able to drink it without throwing up s

ng through the cafe's glass door. His eyes swept the

to my table and too

t first or will

rried that your wolves will see us together?" I avoid

Isn't that what your little confession was about

the one whose heart was falling to pie

want to see

st wanted you to know. So if you have any more of those photos, you might wanna burn them

fused by his words. T

told your mot

my intelligenc

from telling him that he had zero inte

ed us to anyone other than family. I

r maybe he doesn't know that she knows about us.

e, Nick. My

arn you," he cut me o

nt of courage, I

t be pr

I would never forget. He lowered him


on the drink

be funny?" His voic

e laughing?"

oke through clenched teeth,

I said 'might.' I wouldn't know for sure

ere filled with so much revulsion that I couldn't help but lo

swer to his rhetorical question and whe

damn time. You always took

intake of breath before he repeated, "You

e, the anger I saw sent a chill thro

wing that I ha

cept for one t

!" He cut me off, ri

t the table and hurl it to the glass wall. H

a horrible thing, huh? Goddess, h

urpose." He pointe

You got a call and left for home e

's my fault?" He bar

ke," I replied. We were st

at was THE mistake and a very bad one!" Runni

inful? I chewed my lower lips and forcefully swa

e, but it's reve

omach as the meaning of

ly option, do I? I mean you've got school. Your scholarship. I'm sure you're not thin

expect his mother to cancel my scholarship. As he stared

rporations is far better than a measly scholarship in an Ivy le

only just realized

all along. Isn't

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