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The Hidden Twin Babies Of The Alpha

Chapter 2 Bad luck

Word Count: 1677    |    Released on: 13/03/2024


in I felt made me walk unsteadily. I got off the bed and picked up my clothes. I could see t

ate so cruel? I never imagined

eaked out of the hotel room that was unguarded by Be

floor, several pairs of eyes glanced at me while looking down. I saw one by one the faces of my friends who allowed me to experience t

.." he whis

ray Moon Pack, always obeyed the orders

edeem my pain, Jordan was not to blame. Of course, I had become t

ay to my life's destruction. I saw my stepsist

waiting for you!" calle

heeks. When I stood in front of my steps

do you look like you've..."

hold back the tears anymore. I hu

mara for not being able to protec

s? Quickly tell me!

just lowly Omegas of the Red Moon Pack. My father, Matius, was a former Alpha of the Red

mara. But I can't defend you i

all house on the outskirts of town. My father, M

hing to Dad! I don't want hi

se that," Alex

lf to accept all the risks that I would bear. One thi

of the old, neglected house. I got off Alex's motor

lans with a friend!" Alex

entered the house, I saw Mother Brenda laughing heartily while holding a large su

, Mom?" I asked, approaching the tabl

w how to make our mother worried,"

ade direct eye contact, she widen

ou just..." Mother's words halted as her ind

ed, appearing from behind his bedroo

nce from the condition of my clothes and my dishev

nd in front of my father. "Forgive me, Father! Amara has been tainted by that cruel

ing me to fall. I could hear faint laughter from my stepmother and stepsiblin

ch money, I wonder..." I was

, Amara! Do you want this money?" my

rco? Is that my fault, Mom? H

that? I found this money on the street, don't make basel

can't deny it anymore, and no one would throw awa

uickly throw away this cheap girl!" Wilona ad

thing. I regarded him as a hero in my life, b

e. I could see the dam of tears ready to

memories neatly stored in that house flashed through my mind, where this

get you. Amara loves you!" I said, wip

ce myself from my home area, in the distance I saw a luxurious car speeding towards me. I could see that the ca

der for that disgusting Marco!" I said h

the bridge, where a stron

someone shouted

it was none other than

ff the bridge. I heard the sound of something falling

co, and we have to be prepared to face the consequence

a Marco's henchmen up there. It wouldn't be long before the Welray Moon Pack would be

hen I opened my eyes and looked around, I realized that I was on

es, the old man ga

myself, I'm Lilac, and this is my ship!" he

s glanced around the ship. There was no one else on this ship exc

lp, Sir. Where is this

e'll be far away from Australia, where you come from. I'm sure you wanted to

y eyes briefly glanced that this old man was not a wolf from any pack. I didn't smell the scent of a werewolf from him, but I smel

ed in the darkness of the world. He is destined to be the one who paves your way back and posse

rn this pure human into a werewolf like me. He is a pure human,

e ship was getting closer to the port, and I scanned my

?" I said, fo

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