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The Hidden Twin Babies Of The Alpha

Chapter 4 Pregnancy

Word Count: 2218    |    Released on: 15/03/2024


spent my days just staring at the sur

ur plans for the future? Why do I have to endure this embarrassing suffering? I hope no one mocks me in this foreign

aughter?" Lilac's father sud

cony, surely knowing that I

heir future, growing up without a father figure," I explained to my father, forcing a s

ther, their grandfather will always be their father. They won't b

ky to have a father like you. Thank you, father, for treating Amara like your o

child, I always consider you as my own daugh

ved happily in that luxurious mansion. My father owned severa

n lay down on the soft, king-sized bed. Sleepiness atta

ragrant aroma to my surroundings. However, as I plucked a white rose, my fingers were p

osphere, a bright light approached me, descending from the sky. I was surpris

hile bowing my head, saying, "Goddes

bright aura from her face. She held my

hat has happened to you, for everything will be beautiful in its own time. And I bestow upon you great and un

nant with 4 babies at once. With doubts, I dared to

and gently tapped it. She sm

handle these four multiples? Shortly after, Godd

ld my arm and pinched it. "Ah, it hurts! That means it wa

haps it is true that I will have four adorable multiple

eck my pregnancy. The obstetrician named Arka

e care of your health. Don't work too hard, let Zion hand

id farewell. Today, I was accompanied by two personal gu

al at the

eforehand. "You guys wait here, I just wa

appens, please contact me imm

raight to the room of my obstetrician, named Arkan, because I already had a

greeted in the softest a

glasses. He was always ent

ow are you?" he asked,

oday I want to check the progress of m

could see my baby's movements inside my belly. However, what co

to me in the dream just a

my baby, that day I was engulfed in dilemma. "Was

atment from my adoptive father. As I breathed in the fresh air outside the mans

suppress my hunger. As a werewolf, I could feel excessive hunger that tortured

nd they followed what I instructed. After there was no one ne

ere was a golden brown color on my chest. I immediately hunted deer that were near a big tree in front of me. With one leap soari

o weeks, and mo

to small, cute, and adorable babies into this harsh world. I waited for the birth of my babies all the time, si

Hekate in the middle of the eternal hill, I caught the scent of a werewolf around the mansion. Filled with immense fear, I deliberately whimpered and asked my father t

irmly believed that the sinful alpha would surely be searching for me all this time. I didn't want to be his heat's satisfactio

tle breeze entering my room. I woke up from my sleep with pain that had been att

." I call

regnant without a companion felt more agonizing

ed and walked towards the door. I walked with movements like a robot without knee joi

ut to be born?"

adoptive father calle

hile my left hand held my stomach that felt piercing pain in

ression on his face. He let go of our embrace and immediately looked do

th. Come, let me accompany the birth o

and, then guided me down the stairs until we enter

e you!" I said, shedding tears and restin

d to be pampered and cared for by my biological family. "Father, if only you weren't influenced by the cruel stepmother'

Now, I would become a mother and a father to the child

bstetrician had been taking care of me for 9 months. I, unable to s

to attack me. My breath was fast and it felt lik

owel movement now, doct

ear. "This is normal, Amara. It's the feeling of contractions during

held onto the bedsheet. Following Doctor Arkan's instructions, I took a d

of my vagina. I gasped for breath and rested my h

by is a healthy, normal baby boy

by out of the delivery ro

mach started to hurt again. I f

ara?" Arkan asked

ly, but Arkan looked at my va

rth again, Amara. It's t

assed, with unexpected strength, I successfully deli

for everything. This is truly

s mere humans, would sense the changes happening in certain parts of my body. My bod

with a red sky. I was sure that I would react and transform

an looked at them and his face turned pale. Shortly after

exclaimed, then immediately

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