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Pureblood's Forbidden Love

Chapter 9 Vampire Prince

Word Count: 1172    |    Released on: 15/03/2024


eep thought. For years, he had been relentlessly searching for the elusive "Moonchild" – the piv

ent that could only belong to a werewolf. It was a scent he knew all too w

intriguing. Three teenagers had come in, frantically claiming to have witnessed a wolf-like monster attacking t

cans, and fairies – each occupying their own territories and respecting the established boundaries. As a vam

his hunger for blood could be controlled with relative ease. These peculiarities had s

mpires and werewolves was destined to unfold, and he, Michael Myers, was fated to lead the vampire forces into battle against t

to accept such a fate. He vowed to alter the course of destiny by locati

true nature still dormant but poised to awaken at any moment. Time was of the essence, and Michae

t-hand man, Dominic, entered the study, his

repared and awaiting your command," Dominic

replace. "Excellent. Did you make the necessary arrangements to sate our

re rigid. "I have procured a suitable supply, an

one. We mustn't tarry any longer. Roseville may hold

few remaining places Michael had yet to scour in his relentless five-decade search. If the M

st. Countless nights had been spent poring over ancient texts, seeking any advan

d undaunted. He was a vampire prince, a being of exceptional strength and cunni

closely behind. The sprawling hallways of the mansion were adorned with centuries-

nd. He would not rest until he had located and neutralized the Moonchild, severing

tinted windows reflecting the pale glow of the celestial orb overhead. Michael paused

d flow of a werewolf's primal power. Yet, on this night, Michael felt an odd sense of kinshi

ing his place beside him. As the engine purred to life, Michael allowed his mind t

r the werewolf race, wielding the power to ban

, they served only to fuel his determination. He would not allow some my

Michael couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation mingling with his steely resolve. Rosevil

o uncover the truth and alter the prophecy's grim foretelling. The fate of the vampire

rceptibly on the ancient tome that lay beside him – a compendium of lore and arcane

eyes narrowed with steely determination. The hunt was far from o

bt and dread in its wake. But no more. Michael Myers would forge his own desti

ce whatever challenges awaited him in the streets of Roseville. The Moonchild's reign would end before it

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