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Perfect Match: Crazy Alpha And Adorable Luna

Chapter 6 Reality or illusion.

Word Count: 1043    |    Released on: 31/03/2024

n brought back to life. Her eyes stared ahead in fright an

ht," she heard her best friends

he found the duo scrambling

ear slide down her cheeks,

lled away. Dallia stared at her friends, her express

m is something like a vampire, he attacked me and drank my

t a ghost. When they exchanged glances, Amanda mind linked Mitche

d. Seriously what is Dallia heart?' Mitchell asked, she was

sis can work on her and today they also discovered

us for a witch who hasn'

his overwhelming encounter with something I assumed never e

with those wild imaginations. Nothing of that sort happened, you were involved in a minor accident and you are suffering

ou are prone to have wild imaginations, somet

ng to school and meeting the girl who gave her a letter that led her into Liam's trap. Although she tried t

front of the cave was covered with blue and red scary looking plants

cave moved gently with the wind. The breeze was gentle b

as she came to stand at the mouth of

ve way. She walked in, carefully avoiding the strange pl

the air and the smell of burning flesh hit her nose.

on the shriveled old woman sitting in the middle of a circle. Before her

ang the small bell in her hand occasionally, as she performed her ritu

rned whiter. Finally when she opened her eyes, the green colors

eart is birthing something else never seen in the last fi

hat mean?" Victoria asked before making her way to sit behind the woman. S

t the old woman with sadness, "you spent too much of

I can't read her and neither can anyone else. I do not want to believe what I am speculating," Karina said wit

that be," Vic

am thinking is correct then the world is abou

alk deeper into the cave. "Tell me, how did she meet a vampire.

ve had rotten thoughts about Dallia. Luckily he is dead or I would have had a lot

left him alive, she would have made h

like the morning dew. Karina dipped into the water, after a few minutes when she came out her skin was back

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