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Perfect Match: Crazy Alpha And Adorable Luna

Chapter 5 Left his mate behind.

Word Count: 1078    |    Released on: 27/03/2024

for her son to return. She looked worried and was pa

men behind her stood like statues, silently praying that the Alpha would show up and save

t suddenly started falling when the weather was su

son's natal star but didn't say if it was good or bad

trouble in his territory, she feared for his safety. The memory of a few decades ago

t even the physicians couldn't heal and

d come back to her safe wit

n poured more heavily. Finally a she-wolf approache

r and just then a pack of wolves ran

ed would have to be butt naked. It was a blessing from the gods for winn

nry grumbled and wiped the water that was rolling towards his eye

t the door staring at the furious

wanted to turn into a snail at that moment and hide i

dy," h

n?'' Kristen qu

had a stupid expression on his face, "He went ahead of us after w

she hated and distrust the most, it was the witches.

furious. Rumors are circulating in the whole of Vylexco

ale witch instead but those

he alpha. Internally he cursed at Dylan for making him enter the rain again. H

to follow hi

dare shift, I don't want t

the chance to change his w

hadow moving towards the pack house at breakneck s

unded making the people in t

veryone with it's red eyes. The others h

you make such an entrance like this?' he aske

en, his height towering of her. His black eyes stared at

e you?" Kri

ung pup that was lost in the woods or returned with severe injuries. I

ed up and she brought it forward to sniff Dylan, "I thought you

Kristen tensed at the sudden hostility that disappeared as soon as

d mood. We killed a va

ly," Henry came to stand behind Kristen as he asked. However he s

done something to offend

im," Dylan concurred. Henry's eyes looked around subtly a

h of wolves come out of nowhere to challenge your position and worst of all

Vincent is," Kristen left from there and alo

his mate, leaving Dylan to be the

" a voice came behind Dylan. Under the darkness, a figure eme

neither was he in a good mood nor was his wolf, wh

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