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Werewolf Revenge

Chapter 3 The search

Word Count: 432    |    Released on: 15/03/2024

ressed on with his mission. Above them, the moon, an observer of the brewing strife

nfulfilled. The moon was a mere sliver in the sky as he walked i

rival, "Why isn't she with you, Dr

ed, "She's slippery, Alpha. Despite my eff

hal smoothness, "Slippery or not, I don't t

and he cast a spell that ens

bonds, pleaded, "Alpha, I t

, "Your best isn't sufficien

watchful, encircled Drey with hungry looks. The tension was palpable a

of not capturing Rachel. The moon, now veiled by dark clouds, c

shifting. The moon, a quiet observer of the strife, marked the end of a chapter wher

hinted at an imminent conflict that threatened to al

s kin in the dim werewolf lair. Their taunts reverberated off the chilly

with a contemptuous smirk. His gaze, a blend of h

len brother—chained and defeated. Yo

pain, snarled back: "Mind your ton

jeers, their laughter mingling with the flickering sha

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