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Insanely To Own You

Insanely To Own You


Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 1447    |    Released on: 17/03/2024

, the young girl stood before the weathered tom

her very being. The wind whispered through the trees, carrying her mournf

torrential downpour of rain matched the intensity of her emotions. Her delicate voice quivered and faltered, a symphony of emo

lancholic tenderness. “My lady, it is time for us to depart,” he murm

a beloved employer, but he too had lost a

here with my dad,” the child whispered gently, hugging her fath

Mario was about to protest b

ne, her interruption cutting through the air like a sh

within the souls of those who had the privilege to hear it. With a single utterance, she possessed the ability to command

He nodded and left th

y, her heart fluttering with anticipation, in the presence of her belo

ded down his cheeks. His heart ached with a profound sense of connection. For he was not merely shedding tears, but rath

way from her all too soon. Alas, the mother of the child had vanished, leaving behind a void that cou

alas, she did not come back, leaving the child to navigate the world without her tender touch. Unfortunately, the child f

shattered and my soul adrift in a sea of despair?” Her voice

” she whispered, her eyes g

ess the unraveling as she uttered those words, her voice quivering wi

y heart, she gracefully lowered herself onto the soft grass, her d

ent of profound sorrow. In the hallowed presence of her beloved father’s final resting place, she sought

u’ll get sick,” whispered the voice, its words drip

of her heart, the young maiden believed that they were but mere conte

, she managed to quell the tears that threatened to spill from her captivating eyes. Summoning her inner str

tears. Her eyes, pools of sorrow and vulnerability, met the boy’s gaze with a mixture of trepidation and longing. In a voice as so

she uttered those sorrowful words: “Unfortunately, my beloved father ha

lad delicately brushed away the glistening p

cate trails left behind by her sorrow. In that tender moment, their

one loves you. Look around you; that is not the cas

his words flowing forth like a gentle breeze caressing her delicate ears. Her eyes

ender reassurance. With a gentle inclination of

dst of her own anguish, she couldn’t help but notice the depth of his own suffering. Yet, despite the we

r name?” th

sn’t feel the need to console people. A rosy hue painted her delicate cheeks as the youn

Ken St

me nice to meet you, little girl,” he rema

trauss, I will remember your name

ner turmoil. His hand, adorned with fingers that seemed to possess a life of their own,

shall be mine,” she murmured, her voice a tender caress that only her heart could hear. The weight of her promise hung in

of a love yet unknown. It was in the presence of that captivating young lad with whom she engaged in conversation tha

uture she would own the boy, and n

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