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Luna Night Wolf

Chapter 2  A Sanctuary in the Shadows

Word Count: 882    |    Released on: 17/03/2024

s echoing in the stillness of the night. With each passing moment, the weight of their predicamen

to the faintest whisper of danger. Yet, despite the looming threat that surrounded them, a

o rest," Rylan murmured, his

the darkness for any sign of refuge. "But where can

nce of shelter amidst the towering trees. And then, like a beacon in th

ing towards the distant light.

s on high alert for any sign of danger. As they drew closer, the glow intensified,

ore a quaint cottage nestled amidst the trees. Its walls were adorned with ivy

ara whispered, her e

itude at the sight of their newfound sanctuary. "Come," he sai

anquility that seemed to wash away the trials of their journey. The interior was cozy and invit

d her, his voice filled with war

And as Rylan joined her by her side, wrapping her in his protective embrace, they found solace in the k

tled over them like a comforting blanket. Yet, amidst the tranquility of the forest cottage, whispers

first learned of the ancient prophecy that foretold the coming of the Luna Knight Wolf. He rem

they had proclaimed, their voices heavy with reverence. "He shall be a beacon of ho

f fulfilling his destiny as the chosen one. And yet, as the years passed and the weigh

doubts that had long been buried beneath the surface of his stoic facade. Was he truly wor

him, her gentle touch breaking through the walls of his rever

lingered heavy upon his shoulders. "I am fine," he as

ace with a tenderness that spoke of a love deeper than words could convey. "You do not have

ing the empty spaces within his heart with a warmth that he had long f

head, he would face them with Elara by his side. For in her embrace, he found the strength to con

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