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Shadow of the moon

Chapter 3 Miracle

Word Count: 2355    |    Released on: 18/03/2024

here? Come on, Mari

and in one of those stupid gowns. Close beside me sat Officer Randy in the flesh. He was a middle-aged guy with a graying mustache Tom Selleck wou

ve Maria Selena

deceased Detective Maria Selena," he told me. He shoved the

lower person." I tried to sit up, but my

Not so fast," he advised me. "The doctor's said you

flinched when my bruised nec

omeone tried to slice your throat open, but you didn't have much bleeding by the time the medics

idened. "

ley." He scooted closer to me and dropped his voice

s like some kind of nightmare. I responde

witnesses. What happened i

a naked guy with a bullet hol


n't play

de or

wder burns I guessed

uys slammed through the back door of t

everybody in there. They said t

ys come out that back door wrestling with each other. One of them grabbed me and threatened to

k. "So which one ga

ighed. "The one that was using me as a shield. He had

tify these guys if you

y the guy that's still alive. I got a goo

"So you're sure one had a hole in his c

h, w

day before yesterday. Both of them were naked, but the

brow. "Any idea

they're running their fingerprint

e room. He was a little taller than me with blond hair and an age of thirty. In his hands was a cl

. Just wanted to get the facts before our sleeping

don't feel that bad.

flipped through the paperwork on the clipboard. "Two pint

ake to heal? I've got a murd

d on the case,"

pen. "That idiot? He couldn't find a coat in a

it is," he pointed out. "Besides, we haven't linked the bodies recovered in the river to y

w. "Bodies in the river? Th

o talk to you about it, doc, but it's un

lf. That's why I need to ask you to leave, or this young lady needs to give he

stay," I

ve got some good news and some bad

d news

ons on your throat were very deep, and we want to

"And the

o is outs

think you got the ord

at really wasn't the g

for a nice scar across your throat. Tha

d. "Any way I can get this

ay," he agreed. He set his clipboard on a table

of scissors. He grabbed a pair of scissors and leaned over th

ssors went snip-snip and the soft cloth fell into piles on my lap. The last few

. ." he w

e and frowned. "How th

t is it?" I asked them. "Your throa

t it?" I

hook his head. "You d

took a hundred stitches to close up the wound, and ev

ike what now?"

dened when they fell on my smooth, scarred neck. The scar was there, but there were

r. There was a sensation of it

or. "You said you stitched me

g from the lowest layer of bandages. It was s

through my skin

head away from him to look at the sca

ime my wound was ban

night. The nurse commented that the stitches were still tig

s happened in one night?" He closed th

le. Your chart's

u is that she wants some tests done," Randy spoke up. "

, but my professional opinion is that there's no longer anythin

w on!" I quipped. I tossed aside the thin, wh

doctor offered. He nodded at a small dresser. "A set of your clothes are in there. Feel

ips were pursed and he clutched the flowers tight in his han

s I didn't tell you, but after this-" he nodde


t killed them? T

t him. "Sil

aw them myself. Silve

ts got flattened by the impact." "So what'

oulder. The door was o

lowered his voice. "You eve

nder my covers with

people getting scratched

seriously thinking that that's

re's something really weird about two guys floating down the riv

ser. "There's nothing weird about my wound. I'm

a stifled snicker caught my attention. I spun around and

nted the bouquet at me.

y eyes grew wide when I saw

finger at the door. "Out!" He held up h

elp by get

ng. Oh, and there's som

rs in front of me on the dresser. They made a heavy

nwrapped the cloth that held the stems and grinned. My gun. He'd snuck it in for me. I put th

door and snatched its side. The door was pulled from my grasp and opened to reveal the

e. "I have your papers if you'd lik

the door knob. "Just lemme change a

the door shut and proceeded t

rk filled out. I opened the door and found the doctor standing

u're feeling bett

rofessional opi

as a

a name tag, but didn't

way?" I a

ile slipped onto his

paperwork to him. "Well, than

k the patient is the one w

from him. "Yeah, well, tha

come in for an examine

tered as I turned and

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