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Shadow of the moon

Chapter 8 This feeling

Word Count: 2206    |    Released on: 18/03/2024

ke it was slow-cooking in an oven. I tilted my head back and glared at the setting sun. Maybe it was this damn heat. I slid into my seat and t

nt I felt hot. It wasn't the usual summer heat, either, but a kind that started between my legs and slowly burned hotter and hotter inside me. I felt like

. My fingernails dug deep into both sides of the seat. The heated hands slid along my inner thighs and brushed against the bundle of nerves between my legs. I leaned my head back and panted. These feelings were so deliciously wrong, and yet

m stood outside my window, and he grinned at me with a toothless smile

dirty hand. "G

been, and the nails were sharpened to a point while I always cut mine square. My breasts still bulged against my shirt. I was

ma'am?" h

mbled for some loose change in m

at to me bowed his head

blem," I

me. This sensual warmth was pleasing, but it also scared the shit out of me. I couldn't understand what w

d thinking those stupid thoughts. It must have been the work o

gasped and slammed on the gas pedal. The car jumped forward and I almost smashed up a par

saged my muscles, pleading to be free of my earthly flesh. It wanted to feel things, to touch them and know them. It craved attention, and there w

zon. The streetlights flickered on and people scurried from the streets as

tment and drowned myself in an ice- cold shower. My hands fumbled with the keys, but I finally managed to get

stepped Druggy, as I now called him. He leered at me

oing, baby?

ngers itched to give him a wider grin, but I

't you and I go up to your apartment and get to know each other better

dirty floor. I spun around and growled at him. The man's eyes widen

he hell?"

ter. My eyes were narrow and wild, and my teeth were long and sharp. My cl

Everything looked brighter than it used to be, a little bit warmer. Like my body. I ground my teeth

art beat like a hard-rock drummer and sweat flowed down my forehead

s and glasses, the low murmur of voices. People talked about their ugly coworkers, their stupid bosses, and those god-damn meter maids, and

bled for my keys and my shaking hands had trouble inserting the damn thing into the lock. I grabbed the knob to ste

h two glasses on the end table beside him. He picked up one in his hand and swirled the contents. Ther

head to me. "

. Instead I stepped inside and closed the door behind me.

do you want?" I

ed. He gestured to the second

shook my head. "I don't want

lled over me like a thousand hands that touched all of me at the same time. My leg muscles thickened and I felt the seams of my pants tear open. I groaned and arched my back. The added pre

ked over to me. His eyes swept over me a

ady going through the

off him and over me. The heat inside me flared up and I whimpered. He bent down and planted teas

I wonder how quick you wi

ants. They tore in two and fell to the floor, along with my underwear. He leaned down and kissed the exposed flesh of my bulging breasts. I whimpered

s clothes. He covered my naked body with his own and thrust deep into my hot, wet core. I moaned at the feel of him st

ow love-making. I needed him to

't deny him anything. My body ached for him with a burning desire that could only be quenched by this wild, sexual frenzy. We were consum

he beta. Every one of his firm, hard thrusts spoke of his dominance over me. My hips rocked with him, but only with

al tone to the words that belied the tense, sexual animal need that bur

es!" I

a dominant male. I clutched onto him and squirmed beneath his hard, sweat-soaked body. I'd never given myself so completely to someone else but to him I gave ever

e a howl that echoed off the bedroom walls. He joined me soon after in this wonderf

warmth washed over me like a soothing blanket. I tried to keep my eyes open, but I couldn't. Wild a

calling from the darkness a few word

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