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The Lycan King's affection

Chapter 9 NINE

Word Count: 2288    |    Released on: 19/03/2024



't the worst hell you would h

om, holding my breath so I wouldn't throw up with a face mask hanging

ation on my scrubs and let out a s

d in again. My hands methodically lathered with

nd precision and I was needing with the routine. I put on my

ant chatter everywhere. It was a wonde

work. After my father's letter, I wa

he patient who vomit

e. She couldn't stomach anything solid but her daughter-in-law had brought her

t. It would give me the time to use my gifts for goo

ng her to stay in bed. "It is just

told me how grateful she

ook a lot from me and I couldn't heal everyone cause some of the patients in the ward were vile people. So I to

ly a dance between medications, check-ups, and the reassura

ing to wounds, offering solace, and monito

ng for lunch?"

to call my kids." I replied, s

n. I had grown tired of the dry cold air

ket, I dialled the babysitter's

to abort them even though I wasn't in the right space at the time. When they came into the world, I had considered giving them f

of my father and I named the gi

ighbour and part-time babysitter ans

teful sigh. "I hope everything is

can be when they want," Megan assured me. "We just ended playtime with the

one. She had been a godsend throughout this challenging journey of par

oday because I am on the night shift. I was wo

, you can c

apped me on the shoulder. I took the phone

their forehead. Then I saw their face and

dina once but I could never forget him. I jus

u," he said. "I was just tol

nose. It was the only thing protecting my ide

me was sort of overjoyed that Neil was alive. He was the first person I had trie

ry, who

he told me and my heart dro

him immediately pushing past hi

n't you?" He asked, stop

ng. It made me suspicious and proved him right. Knowing, I couldn't hide

laced with threats. "When that happens, it is either because of an excommunication or they a

k do you want

colder than I remembered them to be. The accident must have had something to do with that. "We hav

ff and the patients were asleep. When I took on jobs outside, aside from the payment, they were bound to secrecy. Of course, I knew better than to trust so

r. He even claims he was touched by an angel. That was the first thing that interested me in

it you didn't bel

ahead of him. The kind that would gather the sympathy of someone with empathy and fucked him really good. Internal bleeding, a swolle

t made my stomach twist and churn. I remembered a life I had to scrub out of my memo

I was running. I needed to be calm. But my mind was in shambles. Despit

much. Which means she must reside here." Neil continued, striking horror into the depths of my soul. "Her client

t my name tag. The fake name and the nose mask

gaf tone I could muster, told him, "I w

ed. "Well, I should

eem to be joking. He started to walk away. Some semblance of peace f

rewolf, tell her that Dimitri Galdina,

ou think they wou

mouth shut. But I just wanted t

ek the elusive healer out and ask for her presence. They wanted a more direct and

d me one thing and one thi

f, I'll deliver your message,

arted to panic and scroll through my phone for Megan's ph

nd I put the phone to my ear

Miss Gal

is Megan? She

etorted. "Bound and gagg

y chil

I am certain that would give yo

I couldn't return to that world. I wouldn't

my ears was the white noise from the

her?" The man's voice br

to Megan. I want

o my request. But seconds later,

ly scared to death. The poor girl. I h

you alrigh

know how they broke in. They took the

ying when he said his 'brothers' were not so keen about his seeking me out. The sole reason Neil had been here was to sc

e people? Do

ach Neil. "Everything will be fine. N

cut the

ain nurse Cameryn. Did yo

oking for a hea

gdom ne

t him and the circumstances surrounding that first meet

yn." He stretch

ysitter." I retorted, crossing my h

e too. But fulfilling your wish in that aspect would be rather difficult. The little cubs

I have a choice. In fact

oward me. "If it makes you feel any better, it is how

er. I was getting pulled back into

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1 Chapter 1 ONE2 Chapter 2 TWO3 Chapter 3 THREE4 Chapter 4 FOUR5 Chapter 5 FIVE6 Chapter 6 SIX7 Chapter 7 SEVEN8 Chapter 8 EIGHT9 Chapter 9 NINE10 Chapter 10 TEN11 Chapter 11 ELEVEN12 Chapter 12 TWELVE13 Chapter 13 THIRTEEN14 Chapter 14 FOURTEEN15 Chapter 15 FIFTEEN16 Chapter 16 SIXTEEN17 Chapter 17 SEVENTEEN18 Chapter 18 EIGHTEEN19 Chapter 19 NINETEEN 20 Chapter 20 TWENTY21 Chapter 21 TWENTY ONE 22 Chapter 22 TWENTY TWO23 Chapter 23 TWENTY THREE24 Chapter 24 TWENTY FOUR25 Chapter 25 TWENTY FIVE26 Chapter 26 TWENTY SIX27 Chapter 27 TWENTY SEVEN28 Chapter 28 TWENTY EIGHT 29 Chapter 29 TWENTY NINE30 Chapter 30 THIRTY31 Chapter 31 THIRTY ONE32 Chapter 32 THIRTY TWO33 Chapter 33 THIRTY THREE34 Chapter 34 THIRTY FOUR35 Chapter 35 THIRTY FIVE36 Chapter 36 THIRTY SIX 37 Chapter 37 THIRTY SEVEN38 Chapter 38 THIRTY EIGHT39 Chapter 39 THIRTY NINE40 Chapter 40 FORTY41 Chapter 41 FORTY ONE 42 Chapter 42 FORTY TWO43 Chapter 43 FORTY THREE44 Chapter 44 FORTY FOUR45 Chapter 45 FORTY FIVE46 Chapter 46 FORTY SIX47 Chapter 47 FORTY SEVEN48 Chapter 48 FORTY EIGHT49 Chapter 49 FORTY NINE50 Chapter 50 FIFTY51 Chapter 51 FIFTY ONE52 Chapter 52 FIFTY TWO53 Chapter 53 FIFTY THREE54 Chapter 54 FIFTY FOUR 55 Chapter 55 FIFTY FIVE56 Chapter 56 FIFTY SIX57 Chapter 57 FIFTY SEVEN58 Chapter 58 FIFTY EIGHT59 Chapter 59 FIFTY NINE60 Chapter 60 SIXTY61 Chapter 61 SIXTY ONE62 Chapter 62 SIXTY TWO63 Chapter 63 SIXTY THREE 64 Chapter 64 SIXTY FOUR65 Chapter 65 SIXTY FIVE (18+)66 Chapter 66 SIXTY SIX67 Chapter 67 SIXTY SEVEN68 Chapter 68 SIXTY EIGHT69 Chapter 69 SIXTY NINE70 Chapter 70 SEVENTY71 Chapter 71 SEVENTY ONE72 Chapter 72 SEVENTY TWO73 Chapter 73 SEVENTY THREE74 Chapter 74 SEVENTY FOUR 75 Chapter 75 SEVENTY FIVE76 Chapter 76 SEVENTY SIX77 Chapter 77 SEVENTY SEVEN78 Chapter 78 SEVENTY EIGHT 79 Chapter 79 SEVENTY NINE80 Chapter 80 EIGHTY 81 Chapter 81 EIGHTY ONE82 Chapter 82 EIGHTY TWO83 Chapter 83 EIGHTY THREE84 Chapter 84 EIGHTY FOUR85 Chapter 85 EIGHTY FIVE86 Chapter 86 EIGHTY SIX87 Chapter 87 EIGHTY SEVEN88 Chapter 88 EIGHTY EIGHT89 Chapter 89 EIGHTY NINE90 Chapter 90 NINETY91 Chapter 91 NINETY ONE92 Chapter 92 NINETY TWO93 Chapter 93 NINETY THREE94 Chapter 94 NINETY FOUR95 Chapter 95 NINETY FIVE96 Chapter 96 NINETY SIX97 Chapter 97 NINETY SEVEN98 Chapter 98 NINETY EIGHT99 Chapter 99 NINETY NINE100 Chapter 100 HUNDRED