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The Lycan King's affection

Chapter 3 THREE

Word Count: 2899    |    Released on: 18/03/2024


ke nothing had happened. My eyes were probably still red and I could still taste vomit o

ted things out," I

mingly satisfied

h. What boiled my blood even more was the fact that neither Eva nor Hector was back. I wondered if th

smile that showed all thirty-two of your teeth. It made my stomach twis

ed now," He m

ared that it would shatter in my grasp. It didn't of

other nodded. "C

a man full of guilt. It


would break into tears or worse, I would vomit. So I offered him a

down for the longest second bef

the food. "The moon goddess really mus

his. If Eva was the one that he wanted, he could have had her. He was the son of the pack's Beta. He wasn't some lowlife. Whatever was between them looked like it had been happening long before I arrived. If Hector had made his interests know

e did get married. I would have married a man who wanted my sister. Perhaps Eva's out

been dramatic but if he didn't agree, I would air out his dirty laundry. But I didn't say a wo

om that King Dimitri Galdina would be fastening his visit to our pack. With

take him, Alpha Luc

pack. Lycans were like distant cousins to werewolves but it did not mean that they liked us. Both species hated themselves. So hearing my father talking about receiving the Lycan kin

Hector. "We have to make a good impression and what bette

"I've instructed the servants to maintain a vigilant watch over them while we feed them

" Fath

everything goes smoothly during his visit. Camille, dear, perhaps

nd continued to churn with the unsettlin

used on emptying their plates.

wonderful cook but I believe you will make a wonderful addition to

meone with no affinity for herbs or elixirs, and the mere thought of blood

r declared, signalling their depart

, I sighed, happy that the ten

er me. The twisting and turning in my stomach subsided, granting me a

as I was done, I proceeded to clear the dining table. It was a habit

s soon as my father and Hector ste

ne, Mother?

plate only for her voice to cut thr

s taken aback

e servants do their job.

o hel–" She didn

you are here to stay solely because you are Lucian's daughter. You don't have to try so hard for him to notice you. I

to say. Her words stung. That was probably her intention. Now

semblance of truth in it, even if it came from a cruel place.

one's affection, Mother,"

ed. "I am not your mot

Tears welled up, threatening to spill over, but I blink

that." Adele sneered w

th her just like she wanted. But I wasn't going to do t

use me, I need

amily home could be one big house but it didn't feel like a home

y that was a stark contrast to

back of the house. There I found the

s were all over the place. Like, seriously, every colour you could think of was on those things. I

und like they were on s

lt like being in the middle of a bird conference. And the way they occasionally flapped their

l chaos. The kind of thing you'd neve

g in their hand that looked a lot like bird feed. I fi

self, I walked up to them and asked,

st comical, like they were caught off guard. "Ye

you a hand?" I offered,

me the bird feed. "Feeding the pheasants is crucial to the Alpha,"

're prepping the birds for the Lycan king.

ke charge. Dragging the bird feed to the pen

e vibrant chaos of those pheasants, it felt like a st


ed to the kitchen to pre

d into the kitchen, I noticed that there wa

d furtive glances at m

that something was amiss. So

ong? Why does ev

alking to darkened. "You don't hav

uch as the servants were trying to h

servants who was bold enough

d? W

ing." Sgre retorted. "Every

emed the blame was already shifting in my direction. Determined to get to th

the sight that greeted me was

lay scattered across the ground. Panic gripped m

, the blame must have been pinned on me, and the weight of suspici

isstep only widened the chasm between me and

out who was behind this sabotage, not just to clear my name b

a way to clear my name when I heard Hector

s, Camille?" he demanded,

ce. "No, of course not! Why would I do such

father for something. You've been trying to find your place in this pack, and wha

. "I don't expect cheaters to trust anyone. But I do not answer to you. I di

haracter; it was a blow to the fragile hope I

who fed the animals last." My fath

are of his presence. When I turned, I found

't poison the birds," I pleaded, hoping my since

k out for me. His gaze bore into mi

ut? We are hoping whatever it is King Dimitri is visiting us for, we'll stay on his good side. If you are responsible for this. Ca

her's position," I insisted, my voice tinged

r declared with a

utting through the charged air and a guard, seeming

mille, f

There was no point in doing that.

reached the door of my room and I could

o the bathroom, it sp

room, I felt a sudden weaknes

ionless facade, called for ano

omit out of the nice Persian carpet, the servant lock

and immediately got to work, eye

he asked, concern etched on her fa

'm not sure why I kee

owing expression. "Lady Camille, forgive me for

ed. Now that she mentioned it, I couldn't recall the last time

oing on," I explained, attempting to dismiss the concern.

subtle scepticism. "If you say so, Lady

would both soothe my nerves and provid

f unease. Dead pheasants. Now this. I had not seen my period, and the implicat

d was that one-night stand with a stranger. M

nt with a st

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1 Chapter 1 ONE2 Chapter 2 TWO3 Chapter 3 THREE4 Chapter 4 FOUR5 Chapter 5 FIVE6 Chapter 6 SIX7 Chapter 7 SEVEN8 Chapter 8 EIGHT9 Chapter 9 NINE10 Chapter 10 TEN11 Chapter 11 ELEVEN12 Chapter 12 TWELVE13 Chapter 13 THIRTEEN14 Chapter 14 FOURTEEN15 Chapter 15 FIFTEEN16 Chapter 16 SIXTEEN17 Chapter 17 SEVENTEEN18 Chapter 18 EIGHTEEN19 Chapter 19 NINETEEN 20 Chapter 20 TWENTY21 Chapter 21 TWENTY ONE 22 Chapter 22 TWENTY TWO23 Chapter 23 TWENTY THREE24 Chapter 24 TWENTY FOUR25 Chapter 25 TWENTY FIVE26 Chapter 26 TWENTY SIX27 Chapter 27 TWENTY SEVEN28 Chapter 28 TWENTY EIGHT 29 Chapter 29 TWENTY NINE30 Chapter 30 THIRTY31 Chapter 31 THIRTY ONE32 Chapter 32 THIRTY TWO33 Chapter 33 THIRTY THREE34 Chapter 34 THIRTY FOUR35 Chapter 35 THIRTY FIVE36 Chapter 36 THIRTY SIX 37 Chapter 37 THIRTY SEVEN38 Chapter 38 THIRTY EIGHT39 Chapter 39 THIRTY NINE40 Chapter 40 FORTY41 Chapter 41 FORTY ONE 42 Chapter 42 FORTY TWO43 Chapter 43 FORTY THREE44 Chapter 44 FORTY FOUR45 Chapter 45 FORTY FIVE46 Chapter 46 FORTY SIX47 Chapter 47 FORTY SEVEN48 Chapter 48 FORTY EIGHT49 Chapter 49 FORTY NINE50 Chapter 50 FIFTY51 Chapter 51 FIFTY ONE52 Chapter 52 FIFTY TWO53 Chapter 53 FIFTY THREE54 Chapter 54 FIFTY FOUR 55 Chapter 55 FIFTY FIVE56 Chapter 56 FIFTY SIX57 Chapter 57 FIFTY SEVEN58 Chapter 58 FIFTY EIGHT59 Chapter 59 FIFTY NINE60 Chapter 60 SIXTY61 Chapter 61 SIXTY ONE62 Chapter 62 SIXTY TWO63 Chapter 63 SIXTY THREE 64 Chapter 64 SIXTY FOUR65 Chapter 65 SIXTY FIVE (18+)66 Chapter 66 SIXTY SIX67 Chapter 67 SIXTY SEVEN68 Chapter 68 SIXTY EIGHT69 Chapter 69 SIXTY NINE70 Chapter 70 SEVENTY71 Chapter 71 SEVENTY ONE72 Chapter 72 SEVENTY TWO73 Chapter 73 SEVENTY THREE74 Chapter 74 SEVENTY FOUR 75 Chapter 75 SEVENTY FIVE76 Chapter 76 SEVENTY SIX77 Chapter 77 SEVENTY SEVEN78 Chapter 78 SEVENTY EIGHT 79 Chapter 79 SEVENTY NINE80 Chapter 80 EIGHTY 81 Chapter 81 EIGHTY ONE82 Chapter 82 EIGHTY TWO83 Chapter 83 EIGHTY THREE84 Chapter 84 EIGHTY FOUR85 Chapter 85 EIGHTY FIVE86 Chapter 86 EIGHTY SIX87 Chapter 87 EIGHTY SEVEN88 Chapter 88 EIGHTY EIGHT89 Chapter 89 EIGHTY NINE90 Chapter 90 NINETY91 Chapter 91 NINETY ONE92 Chapter 92 NINETY TWO93 Chapter 93 NINETY THREE94 Chapter 94 NINETY FOUR95 Chapter 95 NINETY FIVE96 Chapter 96 NINETY SIX97 Chapter 97 NINETY SEVEN98 Chapter 98 NINETY EIGHT99 Chapter 99 NINETY NINE100 Chapter 100 HUNDRED