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Chapter 2 The Search

Word Count: 4573    |    Released on: 21/03/2024

wart among the immortals, waged a relentless battle for the greater good—a struggle that spanned five hundred years,

n alliance of supernaturals who, long before division took root, joined forces with humans. Among them, the faithful descendants of the SE

alliance. Thus, they birthed the council of supernaturals—a harmonious amalgama

ders of my sister, Emma Stone. Leading the rebels against our Mother, the progenitor of the imitators, she carved a path to

ous forebears and the hand of our creator, the esteemed descendant of Michael. It falls upon him to upho

certainty. "For I feared that this may be the last of humanity's hope," she uttered

nment within a civilized school, where Professor Hamilton

history hold for you?" he inquired, prompting a spontaneous response from a young female stu

" replied Professor Hamilton, h

resent. It serves as a bridge to our heritage, illuminating both the known and the enigmatic. Through history, we gain insight into the essence of humanity, fostering

tudents, underscoring the profound significance

w animated as he delved deeper

eyes alight with curiosity. "From the ancient tales of Jerusalem to the enigmatic c

ntrigue. "This town, shrouded in myth and legend, straddles the line between prehistory and posthistory, with many still believing it to exist in our

ents, "that long before the dawn of humanity, supernatur

"Dating back six thousand years," he began, "Aougst town emerged as the epicenter of supernatural activity, a sanctuary for bein

secrecy, holds the key to understanding the enigma of Aougst town. While officially cla

the professor's assertions. Doubt cast a shadow over the room as he vehemently dispu

e age-old debate between science and folklore," he remarked, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Ind

the enduring allure of myth and legend. While science offers explanations grounded in observab

"may indeed be steeped in myth, but myths often contain kernels of truth. They serv

ffer, let us approach these discussions with an open mind, acknowled

nce of supernaturals among humans in ancient times. With eloquence and conviction, she marsha

ted a compelling case, challenging the prevailing skepticism with her unwavering co

s spellbound by her words. The male student who had earlier voiced skepticism now sat i

l battlefield. And as she basked in their admiration, Cecilia knew that her steadfast belief in the supernatu

satisfaction wash over him. The lively debate, sparked by Cecilia's impassioned defense,

e eager expressions of his students, their minds already buzzing with anticipation for the semester

titude warmed his heart, reaffirming the impact of his teachings on the next generation of scholars. He listened atte

these were the true rewards of his vocation—the opportunity to inspire and nurture the minds

couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. The heavy rain pounded against his raincoat,

h each passing moment. Despite his unease, the professor dismissed it as

sense of apprehension gripped him. A towering figure emerged

oted to meet the speaker, a surge of anticipation quickening his pulse. Mr. Hawthorne, a renowned billionaire shrouded in the luxurious interior of the vehicle

The billionaire's home, a sprawling mansion of unparalleled luxury, stood as a testament to his vast wealth and influe

tate. The expansive car park garage, the antique store brimming with treasures of bygone eras, and

n his wildest imagination, resembling a grand stadium in its sheer size and splendor. Manservants moved about wi

lls, ancient artifacts whispered tales of forgotten civilizations, and an array of living and preserved species

himself immersed in a world of beauty and intrigue, his senses

the splendor of the sparkling chandeliers above, each one a t

Mr. Hawthorne," the professor exclaimed,

ity by Mr. Hawthorne's attentive manservants. He savored the taste of the most expensive w

in, his curiosity piqued. "Pray, Mr. Hawthorne, what is the cause for celebration?

ened intently, his curiosity piqued by the mention of flaws in their family genomes. The re

n his throat as Mr. Hawthorne revealed the contents of his father's journal. Before him l

lton breathed, his mind

s question hanging in the air. "Do you belie

he profound connection between their paths, bound by a shared pursuit of knowledge and discovery. T

him. Here, in front of him, lay tangible proof of his father's lifelong pursuit—a quest that had cost

and recognition. The professor's mind whirled with conflicting emotions, torn be

inies together in secrecy. Mr. Hawthorne's father, once acquainted with Professor Hamilton's own father, had orchestrated their i

t rather a legacy passed down through generations, bound by a silent pact between two fathers. And in this realization, he found bo

nce of his expertise in their shared endeavor. With a sense of purpose, the professor prepared to embark on a journey unl

knowing that their combined efforts would propel them towards unprecedented discoveries. With well-armed bodygua

ad confounded humanity for ages. The following day, Mr. Hawthorne ensured all their requisites were met, enabling the teams to divide into smaller g

ton felt a surge of exhilaration and anticipation coursing through his veins. He kne

nd anticipation filled the air. They set to work, digging and exploring, each di

imagination. The billionaire, eager to witness the findings firsthand, led Professo

to a church. Unbeknownst to them, they stood upon the site of a long-forgotten batt

eal glow upon the scene. Their eyes widened in disbelief as they beheld a sight be

the sword and secure the bodies for further examination. With bated breath, they attempte

d finally yielded to their combined might. As it was lifted free, the bodies suspended

a researcher, his voice

credible," as he observed Professor Hami

e, one of the bodies' eyes snapped

ault, laying waste to the majority of the researchers and all the guards in a swift and merciless onslaught. Professor Hamilton recoiled in horror, his heart pounding with fear, as the creature, now fully revived, exhibited

ock, their minds reeling as they grappled to make sense of the harrowing nightmare unfurling before their eyes. However, amidst their bewildermen

re feast, her piercing gaze never once wavering from their trembling forms. Locked in a macabre dance of predator and prey,

er deceased body impaled alongside her, tenderly caressing it and whisperi

waves reverberating through the professor's mind. Seizing the tumult as cover, Mr. Hawthorne swiftly executed the other

ilton found himself paralyzed by the enormity of the betrayal unfolding before him. Helpless to interve

n unsettling calmness, her inscrutable gaze betraying no hint of emoti

e resurrected being and a ruthless adversary, he knew that his chances of survival dwindled with each passing moment. Bracing himself for the next twist in this grim narrat

e fallen researcher to the resurrected being as a conciliatory gesture. Accepting the offering, she drank wit

tensity of her scrutiny, it began to liquefy, melting away. Without a word, she ascended into the night sky, d

ceal his elation as he watched her vanish into the darkness, a sense of relief washing over him. His reaction stood in st

nts, assuring her of the return. With a blend of apprehension and reluctant acceptance, the professor consented, keenly aware of the far-reaching consequences loom

he harrowing truth: the resurrection of Azriel, a formidable entity cloaked in darkness, and the obliteration of the legendary beta sword. In a somber exchange, Professor Hamilton confide

by this dismissal, couldn't shake the nagging suspicion that Mr. Hawthorne harbored hidden agendas and dark secrets beneath his calm demeanor. As extrao

chers and scientists, they wasted no time. Swiftly, they secured the extraterre

of Mr. Hawthorne's involvement in the unfolding events. While awaiting further developments, the professor couldn't shake the nagging question:

with the weight of a haunting vision. Dread seeped through her veins as she foresaw the resur

ble sensation, a foreboding whisper that sent shivers down her spine. Without a moment's hesi

ken truths and a silent plea for solace. In that charged moment, mother and daught

the gnawing fear of the unknown, etched upon her feat

hrouding their supernatural essence from prying eyes. Within the confines of their sanctuary, Dante nurtured the burgeoning talents of their daughter, a quabrid—a being of unprecedented lineage, embodying the essence of vampire, werewolf, human, and

possess more strength than I anticipated," he remarked with a chuckle, his daughter effo

ng at the sight of his daughter's prowess. "

h you both dearly," Amy r

ly inquired, to which Dante readily consented. Rising to their feet, fath

form of a fawich before Amy's awestruck gaze. Impressed by her father's m

encouraged, his voice brimming with suppo

rge of raw energy surged through her veins, intertwining with the very essence of her being. Natu

hues blending seamlessly. Her once ordinary complexion dissolved into a sym

ne eyelid draped in ethereal gray, the other in haunting pale. Her teeth mirrored her hybrid nature, a juxtaposition of

iscent of a lycan, possessed a delicate yet formidable frame, with hints of malnourishment accentuating her ribcag

er newfound form, though a tinge of disappoint

te, his voice infused with unwavering confidence. Guiding her through the

through their sanctum. Dante's eyes ignited with a crimson blaze, mirroring the sudden luminescence in Grace and Amy's gaze. An ominous aura enveloped them

e first to sense the anomaly during her meditative trance. A sudden whirlwind extinguished the flickering candle flames that adorned her sanctum, only to reignite upon her awakening. Engaged in a

ught out her mother's presence, her demeanor reverent as sh

lly as Peggy Lance drew a calming breath, he

clared solemnly. "The hou

tremors of the arcane disturbance. Like a tempest unleashed, a mighty gale swept th

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