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Chapter 5 The Corrupted Alpha

Word Count: 896    |    Released on: 21/03/2024

s the valley where the Moon Claw pack made their home. A light m

ir. It was a good day for a hunt. As alpha, it was his responsibility to provide f

by, Lucius' den lay dark and silent, the hulking black wolf nowhere to be seen. Gabriel frowned slightly. H

trail immediately. His powerful muscles bunched and released as he raced through the trees, dodging roots and vau

let out an eager howl and poured on the speed, rapidly gaining ground o

d the air. Gabriel skidded to a halt, his hackles rising i

ood Lucius in wolf form, his massive frame stalking toward a cowering she-wolf. Even from a distance, Gabriel could see a long, c

s?" Gabriel demanded, shift

ting. "Teaching a lesson," he rumbled. "Naomi dared to qu

Though timid, she had a gentle spirit. "She means no il

o be made of iron, or we will never reign supreme." He turned back to

tudied his friend closely, disturbed by the growing brutality he sens

hoping to diffuse the tension. Lucius

poke. "I am worried for you, old friend," he began gent

e me your weak-hearted platitudes. I

A true alpha protects his pac

t a tree, eyes blazing. "You dare lecture me on leadership?"

ensed. "But you will not. Because you know

lict and reconciliation. Finally Lucius released him, turning away. "My pat

eart, but he merely incli

It was clear now that his friend was gone, consumed by bloodlust and tyranny. For the good of the pack,

l had tolerated Lucius' excesses in hopes he would see reason, bu

ng the trail, he was met by a horrific sight - the broken, ravaged b

tinued to harbor rebellious notions after our talk." He flicked

inside him. Lucius truly was lost, consumed by b

inside stirred, ready to challenge the brutal tyrant Lucius had become. It w

deposed, for the

l himself must walk the

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