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The Heart Of An Enigma

Chapter 3 Shadows Of Deceit

Word Count: 2401    |    Released on: 23/03/2024

one that has controlled the mind of people who had sat there. The merpeople of Allsalwilkes Kin

was killed by his brother, Lamashtu, just

ing troubles, killing the innocent, and harassing every merperson he came across. Grandfather Darius had even cast him out of the kingdom due to his violent behavior. But

ainst Uncle Lamashtu's brewing conflict. However, young Martyn vehemently resisted, his kicks futile against the determined bodyguards who whisked him away from

ableau unfolded before him, as lifeless forms and severed limbs littered the floor, a testament to the hours of violent struggle that had ensued. As the war's relentless clash subsided, M

mixture of revulsion and relief. His gaze fell upon his mother, her grip on his uncle's severed head triggering a wave of fleeting relief, swiftly replaced by a deep unease as a single tea

shing to his father's side, Martyn clutched the icy hands that once held him in comfort, his cries a poignant plea for an impossible revival. The weight of the moment pressed heavily upon him as

nd less of a mother. Who didn't care about the emotions of her son. She had changed, from the cheerful, kindhearted loving mother to an autho

t in front of him, he couldn't totally get his mind off the handsome male he had made eye contact

was in danger, the only person that had showed concern about

in!" Moth

irmed as he caught sight of Drego, a figure both familiar and pitiful. Bound by restraints that constrained his freedom. Martyn's ga

d Drego's downturned gaze and the aura of dejection that enveloped him, Martyn couldn't help but be touched

ront of the Queen aw

o despicable acts in the terrestrial land, and his servant, Drego had planned it all out for my son, he had convinced him and helped him to escape All

o mirrored a chilling pattern that Martyn had witnessed before, a disconcerting parallel that sent a shiver down his spine. Memories of a previous instanc

netrate his very core. To witness Queen Azurella's manipulative tactics and willingness to cast blame upon the vulnerable stirred a fierce indignation within Martyn. As he observed her a

the palace" Suppressing the swell of emotions within him, Martyn endeavored to mask his tru

transformed into an expression of affection and concern, yet the facade held a

It is my fault, I should not have broug

to the affection he had once associated with it. His gaze involuntarily shifted towards Drego, his thoughts momentarily diverted from the Queen's words. Drego's eyes remained fixated upon th

" Queen Azurella whispered

, knuckles white with the effort to contain the turmoil within. His gaze, once passive, now glinted with a fierce intensity, his eyes projecting a searing intensity as if they could pierce through the facade t

d a streak of rebellion, a unique boundary had always remained intact. Despite his spirited defiance, he had never before raised his voice in anger towards his mother. In the past, his approach had been characterized by tearful pleas and earnest attempts at persuasion, his emo

f Mother" Martyn continued as a

o see the look of disappointment and frustration on her son fac

used to appraise the goddess, Amphrite, then his sins will be forgiven, so he can be b

her perceived magnanimity. But amidst the sea of approval, Martyn's tears flowed unabated, a testament to the inner turmoil that grippe

e cruelty she had exhibited, they hailed her for her supposed forgiveness. Fear held their tongues captive, a palpable apprehension that had taken root within the kingdom. The once-beloved and radiant Queen,

s profound disillusionment, a poignant manifestation of the stark divide betwe

connection between two souls bound by circumstance. In that instant. For the first time since the

art ached as he observed this uncharacteristic display of sentiment, recognizing the weight of the situation that had unraveled before them. In this unexpec

tyn, tenderly wiping away the tears that glistened in his eyes. Her fingers adorned with pearl rings, Martyn had it too, in

thority and reverence, could carry out such a callous act without a shred of remorse. As he grappled with the weight of his grief, a torrent of questions surged through him like an unyielding tempest. Did she not grasp the enormity of her actions, the irreparable void left in

own good" Queen Azurella

d, finally lifting his g

things from me and kill innocent people just to c

ther?" Martyn questioned, eyes red from c

f stern authority. Her expression, once imbued with warmth, now hardened into an unwavering resolve. Without a second glance

ssary" Martyn questi

the throne and you must focus on that and that only" The Qu

no longer the sole ember of fury; his own emotions had ignited into a blaze. He despised the dance of deception his mother seemed to engage in

s-" Martyn

ja is

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