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The Heart Of An Enigma

The Heart Of An Enigma

Stephanie Lori


Martyn embarked on a journey to the terrestrial land, carrying with him the weight of his late sister's final wish. Little did he know that fate had a different plan in store for him. As the two worlds collided, a destined couple , Martyn and Rodriguez found themselves caught in a struggle they never anticipated. They were thrust into a battle, not just for their own love, but for the very essence of their family's existence.

Chapter 1 Whispers Of Longing Escape

Beneath the surface, an ethereal world incorporates glowing biluminescent creatures illuminated the darkness, casting an enchanting glow upon the hidden realm. Swirling currents carried the scent of salt while vibrant coral gardens flourished, providing shelter for an array of colourful marine life.

Soft and rhythmic hums of distant currents creates a soothing backdrop as the mermaids navigates the underwater labyrinth with grace, their scales catching the iridescent hues that danced through the waters.

The scenario diverges when it involves a certain glamorous looking merman. The Prince of the Allsalwilkes Kingdom, devising another intricate escape plan.

"We can not do this Prince Martyn" His servant says with a resigned expression, floating a distance away from the prince.

"STOP addressing me with that title Drego" Martyn orders. The title behind his name was distasteful, eliciting a recollection of his troubles.

"Pardon me sir but-"

"But you can't" Martyn ends his statement, pushing past Drego to reach the opened exit of his room with a sense of let down weighing on his shoulder due to the impossibility of fostering friendship with Drego.

Drego's self-perception as merely a humble merman, devoted to his role of serving the future king has ruined the hope of him making a friend.

"Fuck what the Queen says. I say you should be formal while speaking with me" Martyn's frustration emanated from his every fiber as he jabbed his fingers forcefully into Drego's chest. Despite the physical pressure. Drego's gaze remained obstinately fixed, his eyes refusing to meet with Martyn's gaze. In that moment, Martyn's heart sank under the weight of disappointment and anger, the sound of his discontent escaping his lips in a low and guttural groan. It was an unspoken clash that Martyn grappled with his emotions and the unmet expectations that hung heavily in the air.

"Is it really difficult?" Martyn questions Drego, who in his eyes has already gained the pathetic title.

As Drego nodded in agreement, a heavy sigh escaped from Martyn, his hands instinctively reaching his forehead in disappointment.

Martyn's frustrated actions spoke volumes. He sought comfort by lowering his hands from his forehead. His scaly tail subtly swayed, a silent expression of his feelings. Folding his arm determinedly, he released an exasperated breath, a mix of frustration and determination. Briefly, he closed his eyes then opened them with a commanding intensity. Meeting Drego's gaze, his eyes held an unspoken demand, asserting his presence and the weight of his expectations.

"I see you love being treated as a servant so now I'm giving you an order as the Prince of Allsalwilkes Kingdom"

Martyn's evident discomfort revealed his struggle with giving orders. His furrowed brow and tense shoulders showed his unease. Being authoritative didn't come naturally to him, contrasting his usually cheerful and carefree nature. This unfamiliar role temporarily overshadowed his usual lighthearted spirit.

Martyn fought against his natural instincts and interacted with Drego, trying to apply the lessons he had learned in his private royal training. He consciously adjusted his posture to convey authority, even though it clashed with his true self. Despite feeling conflicted, he persisted, aiming to bridge the gap between his inherent nature and the demands placed on him.

"I am leaving for the shore and you are going to cover for me till I return" Martyn's words seemed to have an impact as Drego's head lifted, shedding the weight of reluctance and clear disagreement.

"But the Queen frowns upon you leaving the Kingdom not alone getting to the shore"

"Of course she does Drego, she disagrees to everything I do"

Drego's silence prompts Martyn to continue.

"I understand you have a job to do, but I have to meet my sister. I believe she's out there in the human world" Martyn's composure had already begun to crumble, his patience wearing thin. Gently unfolding a worn, thick paper, he revealed an image of his sister surrounded by joyful companions, her radiant smile illuminating the scene. As his eyes lingered on the photograph, a glimmer of hope ignited within him, hinting at the possibility of her existence. Despite seven years passing since her mysterious disappearance, he clung to the belief that she remained among humans. His focus remained on the picture, his fingers tracing its edges, as he admired his sister. Emotions welled up, a lump forming in his throat, holding back tears that threatened to fall.

"I miss the days-" Martyn began, his voice tinged with a mix of longing and melancholy.

"...When I and Khadija would sit on rocks and gossip about our parents. When she would talk incessantly about her human friends" As his words trailed off, the tears welled up in his eyes began to descend down his cheeks.

"I vividly remember her promise on my sixteenth birthday, of taking me to the human world with her one day. I wish I had gone with her the last time she asked. I truly wanted to go with her, but the thought of mother and father alone without any trustworthy soul weighed heavily on my heart. Now, I am filled with regret"

Martyn's composed façade shattered before his once-rejected servant. He unleashed a flood of long-restrained thoughts and feelings without shame. The comforting silence offered solace, unlike his mother's constant reproaches. In this quiet companionship, he found an uninterrupted refuge, allowing his tears and emotions to flow freely.

"I would watch over for you sir" Drego affirms, his gaze steady but his tone revealing a genuine remorse for Martyn's situation.

Martyn's teary-eyed gaze met Drego's, striking a chord in Drego's heart. Drego held his composure, looking away. Martyn smiled and reached for Drego's arm, gratitude shining in his eyes, showing how much he valued the support. Unspoken but clear, Martyn's longing for his sister was deep, and Drego's presence meant the world to him.

In that fleeting moment, Martyn almost found himself on the verge of pulling Drego into a heartfelt embrace, a simple gesture of thanks and connection. But Drego, bound by the constraints of his role as a self proclaimed lowly servant assigned to Martyn, held back any display of emotions. Instead, he maintained his stance.

"Thanks Drego" Martyn's smile widened, he releases his hand from Drego's arm swaying his tail side to side in happiness. His hands reaches up his cheeks and wipes away his tears as Drego reaches the wall of his room, he become confused

Martyn's beaming smile mirrored the newfound joy within him. He let go of Drego's arm, his iridescent tail swaying in joyful rhythm.

Martyn wiped tears from his face, composing himself after an emotional moment. He took a deep breath, regaining his composure as he noticed Drego movement.

Drego unaware of his significance of his actions, swam towards the wall, the spot where Martyn had carved a secret tunnel that wound its way out of the Palace.

Like a curtain being drawn back, Drego shifted the rock exposing a concealed passage beneath. Astonishment coursed through Martyn's veins, startling him to the core. His senses reeled in surprise as he grappled Drego's actions

"You knew" Martyn whispered in wonder, his voice tinged with astonishment. "And you didn't tell anyone?"

"You will be punished by the Queen and I will be beheaded," Drego uttered with a stoic expression.

Martyn contemplated Drego's unsettling logic, reflecting on the memory of a previous servant's beheading due to Martyn's failed attempt to leave the sea. The tragic event haunted him, even invading his sleep, as he carried the weight of an innocent mermaid's death on his conscience.

In the following days that tragic incident, Martyn found himself unable to stomach any food. Disgust and resentment directed towards his mother.

The weight of guilt for his last servant's demise bore heavily on his shoulders fueling his fear recurrence. The hunting image of Drego's head severed from his body, sent shivers down Martyn's spine. Determination ignited within him; he swore to himself that he would not falter this time. His resolve was unwavering-he would make it to the shore, embarking on a relentless quest to find his sister.

Martyn held onto the intricate details of Khadija abode, etching them firmly into his memory. The name Holton, a small city, stood out as a beacon guiding his way. Alongside it, the image of a charming flower shop nestled beside her apartment, it was looked so beautiful in the pictures she had took that it painted a clear picture in his mind. He felt a glimmer of luck on his side knowing that Khadija had captures numerous snapshots of her surroundings.

A surge of relief washed over him as he contemplated the prospect of surprising Khadija. The mere thought of seeing her radiant smile, of reuniting after seven years set his heart racing with an exhilarating anticipation. Martyn's determination now carried a renewed energy, fueled by the excitement of the imminent reunion with his beloved sister.

"I will be back before the Queen finds out I'm out" Martyn assures Drego, the two floating in front of the escape hole.

The plan was set in motion, as the Queen embarked on a three day journey packed with Royal engagements. Martyn's scheme had been brewing for a fortnight, ever since he stumbled on his mother schedule in the her chamber.

Martyn held onto his conviction that everything work according to his plan without any hiccups. He clung to the assurance that he would catch a fleeting glimpse of his sister once he gets to Holton and return back to Allsalwilkes, his heart brimming with hope for a reunion that had been denied to him for far too long.

"I hope you are able to reunite with your sister Prince Martyn but you have never reached the shore. The search for you sister might be too daunting for you" Drego remarked. Drego's sincere concern brought Martyn comfort, revealing a deeper connection that transcended their roles. Martyn realized that Drego's caring nature went beyond their positions, showing a genuine affection and soft spot for him.

"Everything will be fine Drego. These pictures right here have everything sorted out" Martyn stated waving the pictures from side to side.

Drego paused his lips. Uttering no words in reply. Martyn took this as a sign that he had convinced him. He grinned and patted Drego's shoulder before swimming through the hole. His tail flicked up and down, propelling him towards the Palace exit, his excitement and nervousness building with each flip.

A heavy sense of worry consumed Martyn, reflecting his deep concern for his sister. Seven years had passed without any contact or information. The absence of photos and messages felt ominous, and his mother's silence added to the unease. It seemed as though his sister's existence had been erased, with nobody, not even his mother, mentioning her.

For Martyn, there seemed to be no other option to reunite with his sister. The Queen's silence about Khadija whereabouts and well-being left him no choice. Martyn's insatiable curiosity couldn't allow him to remain in the dark, especially when it concerned his beloved sister.

With determination burning in his eyes, Martyn kept his hands tightly by his sides as his scaly tailed propelled him through the water. The rhythmic flapping of his tail intensified, propelling him forward at a quicker pace. His alert eyes darted in every direction, wary of potential threats that could halt his journey. His heart raced, a mix of anticipation and anxiety coursing through his veins, driven by the every present fear of being captured.

After an arduous swim, his destination drew near. Martyn's surroundings shifted as he ventured to the outskirts of the Allsalwilkes Kingdom, where the population thinned. Martyn eased his pace, conserving his energy. His muscles protested the strain of continuous swimming, yet Martyn refused to take a short rest, he steeled himself against the pull of exhaustion. He couldn't afford to waste this short time on rest, so he couldn't continue swimming but this time he flapped his scaly tail lightly.

In an instant, a low, guttural grunt pierced the tranquil ambiance, startling Martyn. Reflexes took over as he swiftly sought shelter behind a large rock, his body curling protectively. Heart racing, he pressed themselves close to the stone, his tail tucked close.

With caution, his head emerged from his hiding place, eyes scanning the surroundings in search of the source behind the sound.

"I swear I saw someone" The voice resonated through the water, carrying an ethereal quality that could only belong to a mermaid. In swift response, Martyn hastily withdrew, retreating back behind the concealing rock. He nestled himself against the rugged surface.

Martyn's body trembled involuntarily, a physical manifestation of the turmoil churning within him. His fingers tightened into fists, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he fought to regain control over the chaos of his emotions. Each inhale was a battle against the rising panic, a determined effort to quell the tempest threatening to engulf him.

"I see no one dear, let's return home my stomach is starting to cry" A merman says.

"Could it be an intruder?" The mermaid brushed off the merman's words, her attention unwaveringly focused on finding out the figure she had noticed.

"Who could intrude our kingdom Delilah" There was clear sass in the Merman's voice.

"Delilah?" The name stirred a faint recognition within him, Marty rarely communicates with other people aside his personal servants, his tutor and the queen. The thought struck him: if Delilah's name resonated, then she must somehow be intertwined with his secluded world, perhaps a presence just beyond his conscious awareness.

"But dear"

They must be a couple, Martyn thought.

"Don't you remember what happened to Khadija?" As his sister's name reached his ears, Martyn eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and intrigue. He instinctively perked up, his attention honed in on the conversation between the couple, eager to catch every word.

"Delilah" The merman had lowered his voice.

"Don't you remember the queen's order?" Despite the compelling urge to emerge from his concealed position behind the rock, Martyn exercised restraint. His curiosity was a tempest within him, demanding action, however he tempered his impatience.

"Of course I do but-" The Mermaid started.

"But nothing delilah, we should leave" The merman orders.

Martyn felt grateful but beneath it simmered a conflict of emotions. He wanted to inquire about the couple's knowledge, but that may blow his cover, and then Drego would be beheaded. A chilling shiver coursed through Martyn at the mere thought of Drego facing a gruesome fate, he shakes off the negative thoughts.

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