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Chapter 2 The Contract

Word Count: 1131    |    Released on: 26/03/2024

in the pit of her stomach. The room was adorned with lavish furnishings, from the plush velvet curtains

n intensity that made her squirm in her seat. His eyes, cold and calculating, seemed to pi

ed, his voice smooth and persuasive. "You will have access to all the amenities and luxuries that come

r siblings behind, even temporarily, felt like a betrayal of the highest order. But the burning desire for justic

g them to fend for themselves in a world that had already been unkind to them, filled her with guilt and sadness. But the

a steely resolve, Alice accepted the terms of the contract. She would leave eve

l that seemed to reach towards the sky. As Alice made her way through its sleek corridors,

was greeted by a maid who led her thr

walls were made of stone, its windows tall and narrow, giving it an air of mystery and intrigue. The gardens that surrounded it were meticulously maintained, with l

marble floors gleamed underfoot, the chandeliers overhead cast a warm glow over the rooms, and the walls were adorned

that she was expected to conduct herself with utmost discretion and decorum at all times. She was not to speak to anyone abo

ng as his companion and confidante in public. She was to dress in elegant attire befitting her role

nd privilege, and Alice couldn't help but f

er stomach churn with guilt and regret. The contract marriage felt like a waste, a betrayal of everything she held dear.

neliness settle over her like a heavy shroud. The silence of the mansion was deafe

t she was trapped in a gilded cage. The trappings of wealth surrounded her on a

ek justice for her mother, to seek revenge on those who had wronged her family. And so, with

EO's mansion. She navigated its luxurious corridors with a sense of deta

d shadows, where every whisper carried weight and every glance held meaning. Alice felt lik

tangled web of deceit and betrayal that lay at its heart. She discovered hidden p

ess that clung to her like a shadow. The absence of her siblings weighed heavily

rit unbroken. For she knew that in this world of wealth and power, only she held

e and excess. Her eyes fixed on the horizon, her heart set on vengeance. And as she gazed

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