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Chapter 2 kisses under the mistletoe

Word Count: 1876    |    Released on: 25/03/2024


set for dinner "mom said and we all walked inside the house ." Good evening papa "I said and bowed down to take his blessings . He had his eyes fixed on the cricket match going on in the flat screen TV." Welcome home Mishti dear "he said as he turned towards us ." I'm glad you are home for the holidays ,we can finally talk about meeting up the list of men your aunt has lined up for you ."he said and I raised my eyebrows." I'm not getting into an arranged marriage ,we talked about this over the phone pa"I said and he sighed ." You are not getting any younger . This must be Samantha "he said and Sam went all dramatic as she bowed and touched his feet ." Bless you sir "she said and everyone burst into laughter." He is supposed to bless you Sam not the other way around "I said and she blinked her eyes in embarrassment." She's just so cute honey "mom said and I chuckled." We will be downstairs soon mom "I said and led Samantha to my room ." You should have told me "Sam said Immediately we got into my room ." I warned you Sam ,it's not my fault that you went out of your way by trying to prove how Indian you are "I said and she chuckled." Oh please ,you are just jealous that I'm more Indian than you are " she said and I chuckled." Whatever floats your boat sweetheart"I said as I went into the bathroom to freshen up .We both went downstairs for dinner and I was surprised to walk in on the whole family . My aunt's and uncles and cousins everyone was present on the table." MISHTI ! "My cousin payal said dramatically and before you knew it everyone was talking about me on the table." Breathe Samantha whispered softly as she held my shoulder in support .There ,right in front of me was my sister Mira and my ex Kunal . I knew she enjoyed having the man I dated for three years ,but bringing him to the family house for Christmas was not the kind of energy I expected to meet ." Hey sis "Mira said and I smiled politely." Hey Mira "I said and tried to calm my nerves ." Good to see you Mira "Kunal said and mom mouthed sorry from the opposite side. It wasn't loud ,I was just lucky to have read her lips when she said it .I ignored Kunal and focused on every other thing they were saying on the table . My chest hurt to see them holding hands and acting all in love ." So tell me Mishti who is the lucky man ? "My aunt asked and I could feel everyone's eyes on me ." I ...." I trailed as my throat clamped due to dryness ,I felt dehydrated at the moment ,it felt like i lost my voice and I could not hear anyone's voice at that moment .I felt their eyes on me and I noticed immediately that I was getting a panick attack." Babes breath ...."Samantha said coming over to me and just like that dinner got ruined ." Sweetheart is everything okay ?" Mom asked as my dead checked my temperature ." She's fine ,just enjoys being the center of attraction " Mira spat frustratedly." I think I should spend the night at my penthouse "I said and Dad gave me a disapproving look ." It's Christmas Mishti ,you came home to spend some time with family not run away from family "mom said in hurt ." I can't mom ! I can't pretend like I'm fine being

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