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Chapter 3 Love

Word Count: 1826    |    Released on: 25/03/2024


d myself in the water "I said and tried to catch my breath ." Hayes "he said and I raised my eyebrows." What ? "I asked and he chuckled." The name is Hayes "he said and I frowned ." Ha..yes ? What kinda name is that " I asked before I could stop myself." I'ts not Ha yes like you pronounce it ,it's pronounced as Ace "he said and I face palmed myself." Who changed my clothes ? "I asked the question that has been bugging my mind since I woke up ." I did "he said and my Jaws literally dropped." You did what ? "I asked and just like that I started throwing everything I could find around the house on him ,he dodged it as we ran around the room ,I ended up turning the place upside down ." I will fvcking kill you ! "I screamed and he stood in front of the door with both hands up in surrender." I surrender Miss ,just please drop the paint "he said and I glared daggers at him ." You changed my clothes ,what if I'm married ! What happened to consent ! "I asked angrily and he opened his mouth to explain ,I threw the paint hoping to rain it on him but the door opened that instant and the paint poured the guy at the door from his head down to his toe making him look like he just got out of the gutters ." Ollie "Hayes said with jaws dropped and just like that he threw his head backwards as he laughed crazily ." kshama maangana "{ Sorry }" I'm so sorry sir "I said blinking my eyes innocently. " Stop right there Cuteness "Hayes said as he noticed I was about to get out of the door .I tiptoed passed the guy who was still rooted in the spot ,I'm sure he is trying to get over the shock .Immediately I got out of the room ,I ran like my life depended on it ." Wait , please wait .I don't even know what your name is "he said and I turned." Mishti "I said with a chuckle as he held the towel that threatened to fall down from his waist .I got in a cab that took me back to the beach ,I heaved a sigh of relief immediately I noticed my car was still packed outside .After paying the cab driver who drove me down to the beach ,I got into my car and drove back home ." Mishti beti " mom said emotionally as she walked over to me and engulfed me in a bone crushing hug ." Where were you last night dear ,I was worried sick about you "mom said and I felt really bad for making her worry it was quite evident in her eyes that she didn't get enough sleep the previous night ." I'm sorry for making you worry Amma { mom } "I said and her eyes softened in my direction." I wanted to apologise too for letting Mira bring Kunal into our home knowing you guys had history together . Your father had no idea about the fact that you and Kunal used to be in a relationship ,I did not sent a situation where Mira starts making a scene and you get hurt in the process ,but now that everything is out in the open your father has asked that he lives the house . Mira and your Papa are not in good terms as we speak "mom said and I rubbed my arms ." Maybe we should justlet her see for herself

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