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Don't Mess With The Ruthless Alpha

Chapter 6 VI

Word Count: 816    |    Released on: 25/03/2024


d into a dim


tone walls as it casted shado

f the hall stoo


eiling, shackles lay s

ntil they landed on Nichol

ut I couldn't complete my words

in." The dark green

agged in, blood

my hear

anded, my voice trembl

t his words were cut off by a

aded as tears w

elot being pla

at my distress and I felt a surg

o them?" I screamed with my

way!" He growled as his dar

to talk to you? " I de

your mate and your life!" He growled menacingly as he suddenly wrapp

me is Alp

I tried to place my hand o

back at me!" He snappe

hing as I struggle

s to them? Where you at the back of our h

t offended me, I wouldn't have come across you and as for

you escape." He replied casual

lt and desperation we

" I protested, my voi

yebrows shot u

ed on your ow

inged with

it all on my o

ed the room and I gritted

e my women reserved, so I will teach you a lesson you wouldn't forget in

anded, my voice shoo

ordered, his voice echoed

't do that, ple

u a lesson" he said coldly a

uards bound Nicholas, Luca

and bloodied as their f

begging you s




like it fell

with so much cruelty a

e whips echoed through the hall accomp

nvulsed in pain, blood staine

d by the bruta

ed with rage an

eamed down my face, I

ngs... I need to remind myself of the cru

and cry, I vowed n

e to gi

ree myself and those I cared abou

I spat, as my voice t

asper s

ow da

ty chambers next to

of the room, tears

reak a rule my f


d, but I hav


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