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The Last Brawl

The Last Brawl


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1121    |    Released on: 27/03/2024


you listening? A

and looked straight ahead. Why am I spacing out? My mind

ught I would be scolded even more. I breathed a

e a problem?

is things. In the past two days, he h

ng? Is there something wrong with me? To us?

We are silent, I am not used to his t

ght?" I asked him

nkly and continued walki

wiped them and chased after him. We entered th

He greeted our frien

ale friends wouldn't notice. D

eel Dylan's piercing cold gaze. I want to pull him and talk t

loud and when I am asked I just nod m

You seem to be quiet r

ust feel bad."

ant. We're dead." Dixon tease

That's crazy, I thought I was going to ge

paying for what he did now but he said to me when we talked, "I just

th vampires can that be considered vampire

g room. Dad called us for a meeting. It l

e of what happened in the past? I need to talk to him later. Even I would be jealous

m. The Sinners are complet

t down." Fa

ught he wouldn't sit beside me anymore,

ting of angels and demons in a week.

xon, and you Faith will be there. You have to prepare for whatever may happen.

ng back?" D

e vampire clan. She was there temporarily be

ends if you don't want to come back and join t

like demon must be deposed from his throne. If we don't do that, he

ebel? How?"

uriosity in his eyes. I hope that when

are on our side we can establish the war

n we can have a good conversation? But I also don't think that

ere made an excuse because they are like pawns or slaves, he is als

was also said that we will not enter again tomorrow bec

nds. I had just followed Dylan when my fa

ked and app

and Ms. Ruller here. It seems they

sed by what we say." In

t are you going to say?" I asked. I was taken t

Faith. Your mother is aliv

the three of th

e horrible death of my mother in the Conqueror

el's bond she placed on you. That bond has been holding back your emotions since you were a child. Your power is out. Your

l him rubbing my back. Is this the feeling of a fat

g to cry anyway." Dad said so I

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