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Luring the Playboy

Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Job Run

Word Count: 2855    |    Released on: 27/03/2024



over to myself looking at the different number

the wrong hall. This is the 12th grade hall and you don't look like a senior." "Oh uh... I'm not. I'm in 10th.

n. He's the biggest fuck boy I'm school, and also my enemy. "Hold up ma." I told Felix and walked towards Mo. "Aye Jason. Don't you got a class to be in?" I said to him. He chuckled. "You right I do. But I

" "Bye Jason." Mo said and smiled. After he left I started walking back over to Felix until Sophia stopped me. "What the hell was that?

Sophia said and walke

class. Bye." Felix said ki

unch break and I don't eat cafeteria food so I decided to go to Taco Bell. I walked out o

Today?" "Aint that what I just said boy?" "Alright. I'll be there." He hung up without even saying bye. It didn't phase me though. I don't

cher started to say but got cut off by the bell. Everybody started to pack up there things and leave. I grabbed my

yes met with Jason. "Oh hey."

it that bad?" "Very." I laughed again. "I have a truck. You want me to take you somewhere?" "Uh. Sure." He lead me out of the school and too

ing about yourself." Jason said. "I don't know you

new around here?" He asked. "I guess you can say that." "Where you come from." he said eyeing me then back

u and ordered what I wanted. He bought my fo

handed me a piece of paper with his number on it. "Oh okay." I said and stuck it in my back pocket. I'm never calling him. As I

! I can do whatever the hell I want!" "Mo you riding in the car with his ass and you

home?" "Uh...." "Let's go." King said pulling his car keys out his pocket. He kept on walking with Kevin following him. "I guess not." I told Morgan. "Oh. See you tomorrow girl." "Okay." I smiled and

later." He swerved

her is weird."

." I laughed then we bot

to my dads house to see wh

d saw him watching a s

take a break." My dad threw some cash at her and she walked away. "M

He said getting up and grabbing a duff

t and saw tons a

"Gotcha'." I said then walked out the house. I felt my phone vibrate in my pants.

you were coming over aft


a I can't today.


phone back into my pocket then ho

led up I saw Kevin in the driveway tossing a basketball a

the net. I nodded then walked inside the house. Ma

I said kissi

h for me to handle on my own. Me being a nurse and only getting paid so little it's not enough money. We might have to sell the

own my face. I had the money to pay all the damn bills but if my mama found out wha

sell the house. This

unteer me for shit. "Boys don't worry about it. I will find a way." I nodded then started walking up the steps. I heard Kevin following me into my room. "Why won't y

yelling woke me up out of m

the fuck is tha

s nothing."

had a towel around his waist and water was dropping dow

oos. They better be water tattoos." Sheri said h

as he said that Sheri started swinging her belt poppin

om with sweat forming on her forehead. "You and King are getting

are all getting jobs end of discussio

ll the


saw the rest of the family. "Mo and King yall are gonna' work at McDonald's.

application. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes ma'am." We both said. "Good. Have a good day at school." Sheri said and picked up her lunch bo

was at the end of the street and waited for the bus. It arrived 5 minutes later. I hopp

t guy. Now I don't know about the word fine but he was okay. "Is he your brother or something?" "Uh... yea, he is." "Wow. I never knew he had a sister." Morgan

aven't you called me yet?" He asked. "Been busy." I kept it short and simple. "Mhm whatever. Call me when you not busy." He smirked and walked away. "Girl. You like Jason?" Morgan asked

o go to class. But I bette

y work books. Turn it in tomorrow for a g

ing out her class I went to my locker and got met by Feli

by." Felix

ker. I walked away hoping Felix wouldn't follow me.

x I just don't have time for you right now. Okay?" She smacked her lips. "Fine

" Kevin asked opening the passe

ass was hol

nside. The smell of grease and burgers filled my nose. I hate McDonald's. Hate the food and everything about it. The line at the

please hold on." The girl behind the counter said and tried to fix their order.

r. Mac!" The girl yelled and a man came out of an office. "What

?" "Uh. Me and my friend want a

would be perfect to fill their position.

w at 4 pm." He handed me

that was easy." Sophia smiled

back home I checked my phone and I saw that I had a messag


. I will s


the backseat. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "I m

?" I said w

rked my car on the sand block that I always sell on. I sat and waited. I felt a tap on my window. I cracked it and saw it was a junkie. "Wassup King. What you got today?" The man asked. He had about 3 teeth in his mouth. "Depends on how much money you got." "I got a dollar." "Bye." I said and rolled my window back up. I sat and smoked a blunt. The later it got the more people started to come to my car. It was going on midnight and I needed to be at home. I had made about 2,000 t

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1 Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Prolouge: Dope Boy Ambitions2 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 A Place Called Home3 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 New To This4 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Job Run5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Respect Is Earned Not Given6 Chapter 6 Chapter 6 The Bigger Brother7 Chapter 7 Chapter 7 Struck Out8 Chapter 8 Chapter 8 When Life Gives You Condoms, Use Them9 Chapter 9 Chapter 9 All About The Benjamins10 Chapter 10 Chapter 10 Opposites Attract11 Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Trapped12 Chapter 12 Chapter 12 All Alone13 Chapter 13 Chapter 13 The Easy Way Out14 Chapter 14 Chapter 14 One Way Or Another15 Chapter 15 Chapter 15 Man Down16 Chapter 16 Chapter 16 Saying GoodBye17 Chapter 17 Chapter 17 Hard As An Apple18 Chapter 18 Chapter 18 Freedom At Last19 Chapter 19 Chapter 19 Lost And Found20 Chapter 20 Chapter 20 Old Friends Meet Again21 Chapter 21 Chapter 21 Hidden Secrets22 Chapter 22 Chapter 22 Ahead Of Time23 Chapter 23 Chapter 23 Truth Be Told24 Chapter 24 Chapter 24 Life Saver25 Chapter 25 Chapter 25 Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall26 Chapter 26 Chapter 26 Low Down And Dirty27 Chapter 27 Chapter 27 You Wouldn't Would You 28 Chapter 28 Chapter 28 One Plus One29 Chapter 29 Chapter 29 BackStabber30 Chapter 30 Chapter 30 So Gone31 Chapter 31 Chapter 31 Makeup To Breakup32 Chapter 32 Chapter 32 Miracle33 Chapter 33 Chapter 33 M is for Mommy34 Chapter 34 Chapter 34 Bundle Of Joy35 Chapter 35 Chapter 35 New Addition36 Chapter 36 Chapter 36 Family Guy37 Chapter 37 Chapter 37 Who 38 Chapter 38 Chapter 38 Loud & Clear39 Chapter 39 Chapter 39 Plans Unplanned40 Chapter 40 Chapter 40 Can You Hear Me 41 Chapter 41 Chapter 41 A Moment Of Silence42 Chapter 42 Chapter 42 L-O-S-T43 Chapter 43 Chapter 43 Dysfunctional44 Chapter 44 Chapter 44 Baby Why45 Chapter 45 Chapter 45 Bittersweet46 Chapter 46 Chapter twenty two. Fossils. *47 Chapter 47 Chapter 46 Life Goes On48 Chapter 48 Chapter 47 Down The Drain49 Chapter 49 Chapter 48 Although Im Missing You50 Chapter 50 Chapter 49 For Better or Worse51 Chapter 51 Chapter 50 Finalé: Dope Boy Ambitions- The Final Say