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Brother, you are so sexy, I love it so much!

Chapter 4 Is he jealous

Word Count: 2685    |    Released on: 29/03/2024

Her hand was small, soft, and smooth to the touch, very comfortable. Strangely, he didn't know when he developed th

f debauchery, and as he approached them, he exuded an indescribable aura. The drink in his hand was not yet finished, and his eyes were fixed on her, as if Judy was the only prey in his

s were filled with unknown danger. Judy unconsciously took a step back, pressing close to Jack. Clearly, she felt that so

had always been intense, and Kitty had always been looking for an opportunity to pick on him. It seemed like today

a woman who could make a lazy and desireless CEO, who hadn't been in love for decades, move, must be qui

ppery it was. But similarly, Kitty could also sense the powerful aura emanating from

?" He wore an innocent expression, yet with a face full of provocation! "Huh! Think whatever you want!" Jack snorted coldly, unwilling to waste words with him, and pulled Judy, ready to leave. Jack felt nothing but disdain for him. He just wanted to get out of this person's sight as quickly as possible and draw a clear boundary with this annoying guy! Jack grabbed Judy's hand and turned to leave, but a strong resistance suddenly appeared in front of them... He looked up, and several lackeys beside the man had already blocked their way, wearing sinister smiles... The man crossed his arms and looked at Jack provocatively; his actions were nothing short of asking for trouble! Then the man shifted his gaze to Judy, bypassing Jack and walking up to her. "Hey, beautiful, would you consider being with me?"

ce had turned pale, and then released his grip on his hand... Jack warned him in a threatening tone, "Don't let me catch you again!" After saying that, he pulled Judy and left! As Kitty watched them leave, his injured hand held by his other hand, he shouted after them, "Jack! You wait for me, I won't let you off... Hmph!" "We'll see about that, I'll definitely sleep with your wife. How can I easily let go of the prey I've set my sights on?" He stood there, with an evil expression, watching the backs of Judy and Jack as they left... His eyes flashed with an even more despicable, more sinister thought, his lips curled up into a terrifying smile... He placed his hand on his waist, his smile ambiguous, seemingly contemplating something. Jack returned home with Judy and collapsed wearily on the sofa... His gaze empty a

living room; she was lost! She felt like crying but had no tears, regretting not listening to Jack's advice and memorizing the route; she'd fallen right into his prediction! She wanted to take out her phone and call Jack, but as she reached into her pocket... "Oh no, I forgot my phone too, 55555... Who's going to save me? Oh Heavens!" She looked up at the sky, spread her hands out, and prayed. Helpless, she sat by the flowerbed and absentmindedly plucked a flower, counting the petals... "Saved or not, found or not, sought or not... Sigh~ my luck is just... Sigh~" she muttered to herself. Sitting on the ground, she watched the ants with boredom and suddenly had an idea; she began chatting with the ants... Using gentle language, she asked the ants about their daily lives, and they, in turn, showed her through their actions. By the flowerbed, she began playing with mud, shaping various figures of people and animals with

t, lost him, and couldn't find him anymore... She didn't know if he had ever looked for her or remembered their childhood promise... Later, she carefully put the ring back int

long..." he murmured softly. His voice was full of endless tenderness and longing, mixed with some disappointment... His face revealed an indescribable expression, one of yearning... No matter when or where, no matter how difficult, he wanted to find her. But then, he thought of the woman he had married... Did he really need to co

sed on the clay figures and the ants. In this small world, she seemed to have

. "Huh, this woman, doesn't even carry her phone, FK!" Reluctantly, Jack got up from the sofa and went to find her. He walked to the kitchen and checked, but she wasn't there. Looking at Jia Ma, who was busy, he asked, "Have you seen a woman in a dress, a bit silly, come in to get water?" "Huh?" Sh

ce again thought of the girl he used to play with as a child. They seemed similar... Ripples stirred in his heart, as if he had returned to that beautiful time. A long-lost smile appeared on his face unconsciously... He looked at her, his eyes becoming gentle, with a hint of warmth. No longer as cold as before, he found her playing with mud very cute. He looked at her fondly, not wanting to disturb her... Judy felt someone approaching, she turned her head and saw Jack. She hugged him excitedly. "It's great, you finally came to find me. I couldn't find my way back and I've been here alone for so long..." Judy said with a face full of grievances, her voice choked with tears. No one noticed her, which made her feel aggrieved, scared, and even thought she would have to spend the night here today. "Weren't you having a great time here?" Jack's expression returned to its coldn

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