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Brother, you are so sexy, I love it so much!

Brother, you are so sexy, I love it so much!



[Sadomasochism + sweet pet + infatuation + dominance + two male protagonists + octagonal "Three pairs of lovers!"』 Men are not coquettish and women are not loving. In this season of summer, it always makes people feel restless!The entanglement of fate and the power of love, two hearts made a lifelong agreement in their innocent childhood.However, the twists and turns of life separated them when they were young, but their hearts were always tightly connected.That night, it rained heavily and she cried so much that she couldn't bear it, but he didn't even say goodbye before leaving.She hid in the corner and secretly watched him leave, holding tightly the bamboo ring he gave her as a token of their agreement."This ring is for you. When I grow up, I will marry you... "Hang yourself with a hook and you won't be allowed to change for a hundred years... Anyone who cheats is a puppy."Years later, the two people are looking for each other without ever meeting each other.Perhaps it was destiny, or perhaps they had a tacit understanding, but they met again by chance.He was drugged, and she happened to be his antidote.That night, she became his woman, and he experienced the sweetness and pain of love.The change of fate made her become a rich young lady, and he was no longer the little boy in the orphanage.Their status has undergone earth-shaking changes, but their hearts have never changed, and their deep love has never changed.He fell in love with her at first sight, deeply in love with her.She also gradually fell in love with him... Their life was full of sweetness and warmth, as if time had stopped, but fate made them part again...

Chapter 1 Picking up a husband for free

Under the moonlight, Judy strolled slowly along the path in the park, soft music playing in her earphones.

Her eyes shimmered with anticipation and loneliness as she watched the sweet couples nearby, a longing rising within her.

"Sigh... I envy them," Judy murmured softly.

Eighteen years of single life had made her accustomed to thinking alone, walking alone, laughing alone, and crying alone.

She looked up at the sky, towards the boundless stars, and shouted, "Heavens above, could you also grant me a man?"Her voice echoed in the night sky, surprising those around her.

Embarrassed, Judy's face flushed red as she quickly covered it with her hand, hurrying away from the scene.

She found a bench, sat down, took a deep breath, trying to ease her embarrassment.

Suddenly, a stray dog ​​ran up, startling Judy: could this be the man Heaven had granted her?

Looking down at the dog, she couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Sigh... fellow single dog!"

Then, she leaned back in her chair, gazing at the stars, dreaming of romantic nights.

As she gazed at the myriad of stars, Judy became somewhat entranced, her eyes flickering with a distant light, as if pondering something.

"Sir, where is he...? Will I ever meet him again?" Judy whispered to the night sky.

Suddenly, she heard a rustling sound, her hair standing on end, causing her to shiver.

Could it be a ghost?! Judy furrowed her brow, bit her lip, and silently prayed: Don't be afraid, don't be afraid.

But the sound drew nearer, seeming to come from the bushes.

Judy bit her lip, turned cautiously, and suddenly stumbled, falling to the ground.

Wide-eyed with fear, she felt a chill envelop her, her heart racing, her blood freezing. Their eyes met, his gaze deep and mysterious like the ocean, yet shining like the stars.

His warm breath brushed against her face, his lips gently pressed against hers, intensifying her heartbeat.


*Her mind went blank for a few seconds.

A surge of electricity passed through.

Judy quickly pushed the man away, blushing with embarrassment as she sat up from the ground.

Her first kiss was gone. She stared blankly.

"!!...?"——Blank Space*

Realizing belatedly, she slowly climbed up from the ground, feeling somewhat at a loss, stunned in place, unable to move.

Though she wanted a boyfriend, this was too unexpected!


"God, have you made a mistake? I asked for a guy with an eight-pack, and you send me a drunkard?"

Eighteen years of praise, and now her first kiss was gone... *sob* X﹏X

Judy pursed her lips, wiping her lip, her face full of grievance and helplessness.

Jack struggled to get up, swaying and unsteady.

"Ugh~" he belched towards Chen Beier.

With drunken eyes, he stumbled towards Judy, who stepped back in panic...

"What, what do you want? Don't come near me!" she yelled, her body trembling.

Jack didn't speak, "Shh." He gently placed a finger on her lips.

Judy closed her eyes, helpless, brows furrowed, frozen in fear.

Jack gazed tenderly at Judy, then suddenly reached out, his fingers lightly brushing her cheek, the sensation clear and intense.

Her body felt frozen, unable to move.

Every touch between them felt like electric currents in the air, creating an inexplicable tension and warmth.


Jack deeply stared at Judy, examining her as if trying to see into her soul.

Sensing his strangeness, Judy gathered her courage and lifted her eyes again, looking at the aloof Jack Liu.

She trembled, "Please spare me, I... I don't have money..."

Jack chuckled lightly, remaining silent.

His fingers gently traced her lip, the feeling soft and warm, filling Judy's heart with confusion, her mind momentarily numb, her heartbeat quickening.

Suddenly, a magnetic voice emanated from his lips, "Don't be afraid."

Jack's voice was low and hoarse, yet strangely gentle. It echoed in the air, terrifyingly gentle.

"I won't hurt you. I just want... you to help me..."

Hearing this, Judy finally relaxed, taking a deep breath, looking puzzled.


Before she could ask, a scream...

Suddenly, Jack struck her neck with a lump, knocking her unconscious.

At this moment, he was acutely aware that he wasn't drunk but drugged. Just after leaving the bar, he felt something was wrong.

He didn't want to harm her, but it seemed the drug was making him lose control.

"I'm sorry," he murmured softly.

The night wind blew against their faces, the lights shining upon them, creating a subtle atmosphere between them, filled with ambiguity.


Then, he lifted the unconscious Judy and walked out of the park, flagging down a taxi by the roadside.

At this moment, Jack's body had become somewhat feverish, and he felt uncomfortable.

"Master, to the Grand Hotel!"


After saying that, he closed his eyes and leaned against Judy, drifting off into a drowsy state.

Along the way, the driver occasionally glanced at the strange pair through the rearview mirror...

"Sigh... youth is so good," the driver sighed!

A moment later.

"Brother, we've arrived!"

The driver woke Jack, who had fallen asleep in the car!"How much?"


After paying, Jack pulled Chen Beier out of the car, gently carrying her as they walked towards the hotel.

"Mr. Yi, you're here. The room has been prepared for you, Room 188."

A man in a black suit, with a sleazy appearance, handed a room key card to Jack.

Jack took the room key card with a cold and indifferent expression, without saying a word. He turned around and walked into the elevator, holding Chen Beier tightly as he did so.

He lightly pressed the floor button – 22nd floor. The elevator ascended slowly, and soon, with a "ding," the doors opened. He strode out of the elevator and walked familiarly to Room 188. With a "beep," the door opened.

Entering the room, he gently placed Judy on the bed and looked at her skin, as white as jade. Under the influence of the medication, he could no longer restrain himself.

"Ah!" The sound of clothes tearing was particularly harsh! The lights flickered, casting two shadows, as his large and strong body enveloped her petite figure.

His strong arms held her tightly, their heartbeats pounding like a passionate song, continuously pulsating.

His lips and tongue were like a sharp sword, plunging into her mouth, leaving only an ocean of passion.

Outside the window, the gentle breeze rustled, the leaves swayed with the wind, and moonlight poured in through the window, gentle yet fervent.

His embrace was as warm as sunlight.

Her skin was as smooth as milk...

Sweat dripped, carrying their 'dreams,' as it passionately spilled, showering the hot land with youthful passion.


After a tumultuous night of passion, he fell asleep from exhaustion.


A gentle breeze wafted through the window, waking up the sleeping Judy. She felt sore all over, as if she had endured a long journey.

Rubbing the sore spot on the back of her head, she struggled to open her eyes, trying to find familiar surroundings.

Struggling to sit up in bed, she suddenly felt pain in various parts of her body. Her thoughts drifted in the air, trying to grasp onto

familiar traces. But it seemed like something flashed in her memory.

"Ah. My head hurts so much," Judy rubbed the back of her neck.

"Where is this place? How did I end up here?" Judy looked around, then suddenly realized she was completely naked, covered in love

bites. She was stunned!

"....Ah! Ah!" A scream woke up Jack who had just fallen asleep.

Judy looked at the naked man beside her, twisting his body, and she froze instantly.

Was she picked up like this!?

She suddenly had an image flash in her mind, as if she realized something.

"You bastard!"

With a "smack," Judy's handprint remained on Jack's face, the crisp sound echoing in his ears.

Jack's face immediately flushed red, feeling a burning pain spreading from his cheek.

"You dog!"

Suddenly, he was awakened by a slap from Chen Beier. He held his head in pain, trying to recall what happened last night.

He looked at Judy, his gaze unfocused, as if he had already forgotten the details of last night.

He only remembered himself and Wang Feng at the bar... then getting drunk, and then...

The memories of last night seemed blurry.

"Phew~" That slap was really strong.

Last night, did they...? Hmm?


Jack's expression was indifferent, a cold smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.

This woman, her figure isn't bad at all, she has everything she should have.

"Bastard? Don't you already know if you're a 'bastard' or not? We tried it last night!" he said with disdain.

A hint of rogue flashed in his eyes.

"You... you, I... damn it!"

Judy was so angry that she couldn't find words to respond, tears of frustration instantly streaming down her cheeks as she silently sobbed.Jack looked at her, feeling annoyed. His eyebrows furrowed with impatience.

He hated it when women cried.

"Hey, woman, stop crying. Sleeping with me is your blessing. How many women want to sleep with me but haven't had the chance?"

Ah, this woman, such a trouble! Why did he have to attract women for no reason? Damn it.

Judy, upon hearing this, became even angrier. She immediately slapped him back, the sound even louder than before.

Damn it, what does this guy take me for?

A chicken? Even if I were, at least I should get paid!

"Who do you think you are? Blessing? Hah, I think it's a curse! I really want to bite you to death."

Judy spat towards Jack in disgust.

"..." Jack was speechless. He thought, "Heh, what an immature woman."

God, are you kidding me? My eight-pack abs, and this guy? Is he capable?

"Sigh~" Nothing is left.

They fell silent, the air filled with awkwardness and embarrassment.

Chen Beier glanced at him from the corner of her eye, noticing the scratches all over his body. She felt somewhat powerless, unable to imagine how intense last night was for them.

Jack gazed at Judy, suddenly feeling that this woman was somewhat cute.

After a long time, he chuckled softly and slowly said, "Oh~ bite me? How would you bite me? Do you want big brother to teach you?"

He leaned in gently to her ear, whispering softly, "Woman, don't play with fire, or you won't be able to bear the consequences."

Judy blushed red with his teasing, and shyly glanced away.

"You, are you crazy?" she said softly, feeling embarrassed.

Then, she got up, no longer wanting to pay attention to this man, and walked into the bathroom to take a shower, wanting to wash away the 'bad luck' from her body...

After showering, she came out of the bathroom, wrapping herself in a towel.

She looked at Jack helplessly and said, "My clothes were all torn by you, you have to take responsibility!"

He instantly understood her meaning, and called the front desk to prepare a new set of clothes to be sent to the room!

He walked up to Judy, playfully lifting her chin.

His eyes gleamed, a slight smirk tugging at his lips.

"Still hurting?"


Judy rolled her eyes and said, "...".Judy, wrapped in a towel, sat on the sofa feeling lost and unsure of what to do next. As Jack approached her, she hugged herself, her face filled with fear. He moved closer, their faces almost touching, their breaths audible to each other. His breath was warm, his heartbeat fast...

They locked eyes, a strange sensation washing over them. He had the urge to pull her into his embrace, her breath so soft and warm...

Suddenly, he smirked, a mysterious glint in his eyes. He passionately kissed her tender lips, their breaths intertwining. His kisses were both passionate and gentle, every move filled with tenderness.

The fiery passion between them was like molten iron in a furnace...

"Woman, I've realized, I've fallen in love with you~ You're so sweet, I love the scent of you," he said before heading to the bathroom to shower.

At that moment, Judy felt numb, lying on the sofa, staring blankly. She felt like crying but had no tears left. Her body ached all over, feeling weak and powerless.

After showering and dressing Judy in the clothes he had prepared, Jack poured a glass of water and approached her. "I won't just sleep with you and leave. I'll take responsibility," he assured her.

Looking at the pitiful woman before him, Jack didn't intend to shirk his responsibility. Instead, he thought about taking her to the civil affairs office to get a marriage certificate...

He didn't dislike this woman, in fact, he quite liked her! And for some reason, he felt strangely familiar with her, like he had seen her somewhere before but couldn't remember...

"Responsibility? Do you think I'm that kind of person? Just give me some money and everything will be fine?" Judy assumed that when Jack mentioned "responsibility," he meant giving her money and leaving.

"I'm not that kind of man. Go home, get your household registration book, and I'll take you to get the certificate," Jack explained.

Just then, there was a knock at the door, interrupting Jack's thoughts. He calmly walked to the door, opened it to find the hotel staff delivering Judy's clothes. Taking the clothes, he closed the door and walked back to Judy, gently placing the clothes in her hands.

Judy quickly went to the bathroom to change, fearing that he might do something to her again...Judy emerged from the bathroom wearing a low-cut blue spaghetti strap dress, her every step graceful and deliberate. Jack was instantly captivated by her alluring figure, unable to take his eyes off her. She looked like a lotus waiting to bloom, her delicate pink cheeks exuding a shy charm that perfectly complemented the blue dress, giving her an ethereal aura.

Unimpressed by Jack's proposal, Judy raised her chin defiantly, adopting a haughty posture. With her arms crossed and lips slightly pouted, she looked up at him with a skeptical glance. "Get married? We barely know each other. How can we just go and get married?" Her tone was filled with doubt.

Jack remained unfazed by her reaction, looking at her calmly as he introduced himself confidently, "I'm Jack, the owner of this hotel. Now that we've met, I'll slowly tell you about my family and our affairs after we get married." His words were sincere and earnest.

"I'm Judy," she responded coldly.

Being an orphan with no family or connections, Judy had grown up in an orphanage and had lost touch with her only friend, who was adopted years ago. So, she had nothing to introduce about herself. She sighed inwardly, resigned to the situation.Judy thought to herself, "Well, if I've slept with him, at least he'll take responsibility for me. After getting married, I'll have a family." She looked at Jack, feeling a strange sense of familiarity despite never having met him before. She murmured softly, "It's strange. Why do I feel like I know him..."

Furrowing her brow, Judy propped her chin on her hand, her gaze distant. No matter how she looked at it, the man in front of her gave her a peculiar feeling, as if he were a long-lost friend she hadn't seen in ages.

"Let's go downstairs for dinner," Jack said coldly, his expression devoid of emotion.

Rolling her eyes, Judy retorted, "Hmph! Just because you have money? Acting all aloof, but you'll end up falling for me sooner or later!"

Jack remained silent as they entered the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor. The atmosphere in the confined space was exceptionally awkward. Judy couldn't help but sneak a glance at Jack, only to find him staring intently at her.

Feeling self-conscious, she lowered her head and muttered, "Hey, why are you looking at me like that?"

Jack raised an eyebrow, his eyes gleaming mischievously as he smirked, "Judy, didn't you just say that I'll end up falling for you? I just want to see what 'treasures' are hidden under your pomegranate skirt that would attract me."

Blushing furiously, Judy immediately averted her gaze from Jack's 'scheming' eyes.

Jack raised an eyebrow, his tone tinged with amusement. "You rogue, you scoundrel," Judy pouted, looking even more adorable.

Jack gazed at her, bathed in the light of the elevator, she looked like an angel. Her jet-black hair shimmered in the light, her eyes sparkling like stars. Her long, thick eyelashes fluttered like the delicate wings of a butterfly. Paired with her innocent doll-like face, she was irresistibly charming, almost freezing time with her beauty.

Taking a deep breath, Jack cleared his throat awkwardly, but his gaze never left Judy. He couldn't help but sigh inwardly, thinking to himself, "Women like her are rare. Most are heavily made up, who knows how many men they've been with."

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