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Fated To The Evil Viking

Chapter 2 Silent night

Word Count: 1263    |    Released on: 30/03/2024

s them among the high-ranking and most respected officials of a pack. No wonder all the shifters inside the dining hall had shock written all over their fa

s that has tears in them. Martha is not a shifter. She's human,

ve hurt yourself! You didn't even have your walking st

so you wouldn't get punished, instead, I made it worse... I'm sorry!... Oh, Lawd, Ash! He's coming behind you!"

the Gamma chief's heavy footsteps on the hardwood floor as they march toward me in anger. Even though I see the fea

floor with it. God, that hurts! It feels as if I'm being scalp alive. I use my two hands to hold

head into the floor near the foot of the dining table. My vision first go sort of blurry before I

here you belong! I will mop the floor with your ass,

my face and stomach from making conta

you're doing!" The Luna's voice mercifully says i

p, every other shifter in the room stands and slightl

ks walking past me like I'm invincib

ed to be reminded where she belonged." The Gamma chief replies, look

must have been out of my mind and delirious with pain to care anymore. Nobody saw what I did except him and I see with

medic or wherever, let's get this meeti

and it would have been business as usual. That is why I wouldn't be waiting another day longer. I will leave

my wolf, then let me leave this pack alive. If not for my sake but for the sake of Martha. S

rtha. Since I know Martha can't help me without falling over herself, I hold on to the edge of the table and

push it to the dining table. I'm about to arrange

it to be done. You go take c

y dropped wi

a is cold, aloof, and somewhat unfeeling and Miranda, their only child is around my age. Miranda is hungry for power and cruel, no two ways about it. She

as kicked the previous morning. I wonder if the asshole had broken my ribs since It hurts so bad to breathe and move a

n my left side. If I had just gone to the medic as the Luna had suggested maybe I wouldn't be feeling this much pain.

enter into the woods, which is the sh

dy summer nights have always been my favorite time of the year. I don't need to use my small

I enjoy the coolness of the wind blowing o

mething occurs to me. This night is different. It is fa

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