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Fated To The Evil Viking

Chapter 3 Attack

Word Count: 1514    |    Released on: 30/03/2024

my head tilted to one side... but all I hear is silence! I become worried then since I know there's nothing

. The sounds of owls that hoot every so often in the distance. The sounds of the wind that relieves t

goosebumps all over my body as I r

and dead leaves and it's creeping me out. I stop walking yet again when it feels as

m not convinced about that notion. To assure myself everyth

rmal. You've never been afraid of walking in the woods before and it's not going to start now.

rning in the dining room. For the first time in two years, I feel vulnerable walking alone in the woods. I look around with fear as I quicken

sensory organs are still much better than any average human. I hear paws pound through the undergrowth and trees rust

l out of fear. My heart pounding to the ext

es. Right then, I don't know if I should feel relieved that the Ga

nd. My painful scream rends the night air when I'm knocked down and my injured ribs hit

down my neck. I can't make any sound even if I wanted to. Just the wheezing sound coming from me because

n odor that usually pollutes the air whenever rogues are around and these werewolves don't smell like that. In fact, something ab

nks my head up with my hair. Not all the way up that I'll be able to see their faces but up eno

ually have some patches of fur covering their private areas. So why are these ones naked!? What do they wan

r and I try to struggl

towards his friends, shoving

s me on my back, straddles me, and tightly ties my hands above my head before passing the ot

go right now!" I finally find my voice, trying to be bold and not s

questions might have so

e turning to his friends "Can you believe this

ns bac

sking stupid questions, shouldn't you be begging me

it. I scream then, struggling to free my hands from the thin but thick cord that bind

ch!... I'm going to kill you.

slaps me hard across the face, shutti

now why?... Because you don't have what it takes! A freak li

ack doesn't want you. Even if we decide to kill you after having ou

body would care. Well, Martha would, but what

d he uses his knee to fo

l laugh. I heard another one of them say... "Me next after yo

abs the kitchen towel that was still lying beside

ack of my head. Then I start convulsing violently. When the sp

n at me strangely. Why did they stop? I thought to m

feet, like nothing I've felt before in my life. My eyes burn in their sockets. I feel

r wolf. My family who was supposed to inform me and get me prepared never cared. I thou

g and shredding in some places to accommodate the new growing shape of my bo

. The rope used to bind my wrist had long since been shredded into pieces and m

again! Save me Moon go

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