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Bewedded, Not Beloved

Chapter 4 JOHN 14:14

Word Count: 1080    |    Released on: 30/03/2024

ible says: 'You may ask me for any

Masara, they were willing to help Maizah in being able to walk again. They were optimistic that she was going to work. After the call ended, they scheduled a meetin

for different scans, and they took a wh

multaneously. She was way out of her league, and she didn't even know who o

d also be hypokalemic periodic paralysis. This is where people suddenly become paralyzed for hours or even days at a time, and we don't know the longest time it has ever taken, so for now, we wait. We have an MRI brain s


nsumed with questions and gratitude, but she was not sure which one

for an appointment again. But at least that time, Maizah didn't go over those horribl

e a seat. I have good news." Mr Hakim greeted M

Masara greeted, for the first time,

news." Mr Hakim glanced at Masara. She quickly nodded, scared that if

ortunately, She can operate on Maizah whenever you two are ready." Mr Hakim answered w

to be the problem with her? What caused it?." Aunt M

m because, as far as she knew, they went to almost every doctor in the country looking for help, that's one of the

had been wrecking her brain ever since she woke up

Masara had an appalled expression on her face, and no, she was not surprised about the

ge will repaired correctly since it isn't too bad. As for the cause, the doctors are not sure, but they think it was caused by how she used to sleep, so in the days, months, or even years, the bone was slowly moving. If she had taken it a little earlier when she noticed symptoms like back pains,

then again, who knows what might happen? But then again,

I am. I don't know what I would be doing or what Maizah's condition would have gotten if you hadn't called me that day, but sir, I'm cu

ntentions in supporting us? I mean, I'm sure the tests alone and even hiring different doctors are already expensive, let alone the surgery proc

the table with a loud thud. Masara was startled by the s

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