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Bewedded, Not Beloved


Word Count: 1014    |    Released on: 30/03/2024

. Masara believed that every action has a consequence and was eager to learn what Hakim's terms were, whether they w

spoke while keeping his gaze

One envelope contains my proposal, and the other is j

king about? If you don't m

ifferent possibilities of

t handle that she has been through enough these past few years; I

e wanted

ed to harvest h

e your brain, Masara!" Sh

ater. Also, I suggested we can right on it then."

ing." Said Aunt M

r niece, Maizah." Sa

hat!" She yel

ery, of course," Hakim answered, a

; anyone in her shoes would be surprised, o

thought of her niece getting married at sixteen makes her w

ich, muscles honed to perfection, dark-haired, gorgeous smile, hazel eyes, and long beautiful lashes. Even his high che

ucken pe

xpected. If he were smelling awful and looking like a homeless guy, I would have kep

ys the pr

physiotherapy to regain chances of her range of motion, and she won't be able to return to full duties, but as time goes on, she will get

e." Maizah thought as she looke

" She

met her? Why I'm willing to wait for her, or why I specif

mentioned that he was running the Jackson Inc. Masara. She didn't even know

e everything I need: doctors, sold

ing what else to say; he's not God,

sal, why would he want to marry her niece? Tha

I know what I'm getting myself into and what I have already done for her. It should at least try to put you at ease and trust that I can care for her." Mr. Hakim replied w

s and see everything written. Maybe

e end up selling my niece to the devil? Nope, not to

id Maizah, hurriedly walking towards t

es with you."

ece, who was held on a different floor; she walked to the elevator but

checking every floor

rs had cameras and were filming. The cubicles looked like a maze, and people were running to and from the elevators. Despite her efforts to find someone to help her, she c

boss was only working on

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